View Full Version : Streaky blood in phlegm. Very scared

15-10-09, 14:34
Hi everyone. I'm in a complete panic at the moment and hopefully I have found the right forum to share my concerns. In the last 2 days or so, I have had brought up abit of clear phlegm first thing in the morning and it has some tiny streaks of blood! It may be coming from my nose as my right nostril tends to bleed - not profusely but there is just a little bit of blood in there sometimes. Could the light bleed from my nose be travelling down to my throat or is this something serious? I am so scared thinking that it could be something really awful. Is this normal? I'm too scared to go to the doctor as I'm afraid that I'm going to hear something really awful. This evening I was blowing my nose again and abit of blood came out, so I cleared my throat again just to see if there was any blood in my phlegm and there was a little bit there again!!! I worried sick about this. Can anyone shed some light on this? Thank you.

15-10-09, 14:51

our nose and throat are totally linked and phlegm that is in the back of the throat is more likely come down from the nose and sat there than come up from the chest. I get this too and it comes from my nose, bet the same is true for you luv


15-10-09, 14:53
i would say it's from ur nose, probably a burst blood vessel.

Go to your doctor tho, it'll reassure u i promise :) but don't worry about it.

16-10-09, 09:29
Dear friends, thank you very much for your replies. It happened again this morning as I had a slight nose bleed and and also at work. I'm trying to rationalise by saying that this is due to my nose bleeds but I can't help but get worked up. I had a nose operation about 16 months ago and I have found that since then my nose bleeds more often so I will be seeing my ENT again and will let him also know what's been happening in terms of the blood in my phglem. Lisa, does this happen to you often or was it a one-off? Seems to be more regular for me. Thanks xxx

17-10-09, 08:48
HI everyone. Well I'm still in a panicked state. Woke up again this morning and had my morning coffee and then felt that my throat was abit congested so I tried clearing it. Again I brought up abit of clear phlegm with some bright red blood in it! I checked my nose and at first I couldn't see any blood but when I lightly blew it again very little (almost nothing) came out on the tissue (so sorry to be so descriptive). I then had a shower and blew my nose again and I had some blood come out. I then coughed up again and again there was some blood in my phlegm!
I've spent the whole day googling about this and I've just turned into a complete mess. I'm so scared that it's lung cancer (yes, I am a smoker). I'm completely freaked out. My throat is also abit sore now. Not sure if it's from forcing myself to clear my throat or something else? Any words of advice would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

PS: I've been taking antihistamines for the last 6 weeks due to an allergy that I have. Can these be drying up my nasal passages causing abit of a bleed?

17-10-09, 10:24
hi hun
I had some blood in my phlegm a few weeks ago and I panicked. I went to the doctors and he said its caused by an infection but dont worry he meant a cold, sinus, or hayfever, its completely normal if its streaks but if its just pure blood then you should go to the doctors. I would go anyway just to find out if you need some antibiotics to clear it up. but its not dangerous. hope that helps :)

17-10-09, 10:35
Dear Angelique,
You sound so much like me!! I had the flu over Christmas last year and had the same thing happen. I have found blood in my phlegm a couple of times since then too, usually after being congested. I am totally obsessed with this problem and think of nothing else when I have a cold (which I have at the moment) and am constantly checking for streaks of blood.
I went to the doctors with this last year as I was so upset and he assured me it was nothing to worry about. I am a smoker, although I have cut down from 15 a day to 3-5 a day.
Blood vessels in your nose are very delicate and dry out easily and it is important to keep them moisturised. Sterimar is a saline nasal spray which can be purchased from all good chemists. It contains sea water and is totally drug free, but helps ease my congestion and phlegm. It might help to look at my previous posts!
Take good care and try not to worry. You will be fine.
Hugs from Nikki. :-) x

Cell block H fan
17-10-09, 16:52
What age are you? I had this when I was about 21, & was convinced I had lung cancer. The doctor assured me it would be a blood vessel burst. But I didn't connect it to the nose at the time, so it could well of been that, because I did used to get a bloody nose quite often. I dont seem to so much these days. To be honest, it scared me so much I have never looked at phlem ive coughed up since! I know thats probably real dangerous, but thats me all over, bury my head in the sand & its not happening type of person! I am 38 now, so I'm sure it was nothing serious! I am also a smoker, currently trying to give up.
But I know what you mean about it freaking you out. x