View Full Version : sorry same old again !!

15-10-09, 15:11
I was actually doing quite well recently, as some of you know i have a HUGE fear of MS. I went to the doctors just for a routine appointment and because i read that hyper reflexes was a sign of MS i couldnt help but get him to do my reflexes, he said they were fine not to hight and not to low but i noticed that my left knee seemed to jump higher than my right. The doc did not even mention it but i have read off google that if your reflexes arnt symetrical that is also a sign. I saw a new doctor he seemed very thorough but surely he would know if they were not symmetrical. I am absolutely scared to death now even though he said they were fine. I just need a little advice to calm me down do you think i should go back and see another doctor?

15-10-09, 15:39

I dont think you need to see another dr about you reflexes. Your dr would not test them and then ignore something that was suggestive of a problem. Plus i think that we really need to remember that for everything there is so much importance in experience that the dr has that we cannot read about in a health journal or website. The dr will have taken reflexes many a time and probably reffered many people for ms......you just dont have the symptoms and that is the only reason that the dr is not refferring you or concerned that you have MS.

i know that we are soooooo sure that we are right with our worries. I find recently that it helps just to say to myself simply..Im wrong. Ive been wrong about lots of things in life so many times and this is one if them. Then i spend sometime thinking about the times when I have been wrong.......it calms me right down


15-10-09, 15:43
i know what you are saying but he is quite a young doctor and now im thinking maybe he is just not experienced enough, He knows all about my ms fear and he very very supportive, its just the fact he is so young and perhaps not as experienced, god i know how silly i sound even writing this but thats how i feel. My husband thinks im going mad literally,

15-10-09, 15:51
Its good that you are feeling that what you are writing is silly....i dont mean this as it sounds but i do mean that writing it down you can see in black and white how far fetched and so very unlikely that is.

Being a young dr does not mean that he is incompetent. If anything i would think that a young dr would be overcautious rather than under cautious.

Im totally with you though on this becuase the reason i doubt my dr is becuae she too is young. Im actually glad that you feel this way as well becuase it makes me see how it is only anxiety that is making us doubt our drs professionalism.


15-10-09, 15:54
I have never looked at it like that but you are right the young doctors would be more cautious as its their reputation they are building, the young doctor i saw was actually my doctors son so im sure he already knows how messed up i am lol. Thanks Lisa your replies always make me feel so much better, i think you should become a therapist lol, Im sure you would have alot of patients already off here haha.
take care hope you are feeling better soon


15-10-09, 16:02

I would send people nuts im sure!!!

Thanks for your replies as well luv

Speak to you later
