View Full Version : Anyone on 40mg Citalopram?

15-10-09, 15:17
I am on citalopram and have gradually increased the dosage since March and now on 40mg. I would not be without this medication as it really has helped me.
I have started feeling really breathless on 40mg and as far as I know and feel I am not unwell nor have a chest infection, but I just feel like I am short of breath. I am trying not to go into panic mode over this. I don't feel anxious or panicky, its that I am not breathing properly :unsure:
Is anyone else taking 40mg and if so have you experienced this?
If it is a side effect I will continue with the tablets as I know it will eventually pass like the other side effects did, but I don't really want to bother my gp with this at the moment.

15-10-09, 18:10
Hi Poppy
I never had that side effect when I took citalopram (I was on 40mg) but did feel breathless on Prozac. It's very difficult to say whether it's a side effect or not and although you're right not to panic (it's probably nothing serious) I would still go to your GP - after all that's what they're paid for! I don't think they see it as a waste of their time at all...
Take care x

16-10-09, 13:20
How are you?
Thank you for your reply.:)
Well I never stopped breathing overnight! :)and I don't feel so bad today. I was getting a bit panicky when I went to bed wondering if I would stop breathing overnight :unsure: but I woke up and I don't seem quite so bad, but then I keep wondering about the Stephen Gately incident and I think it may be my latest thing to worry about it happening to me . :doh:
I will still go to the gp and mention it to him - he doesn't seem to listen to me mostly, depending on his mood :mad: - but I will still tell him anyway and see what he says.
Take care