View Full Version : Still Obsessing ... Have a Question

15-10-09, 16:39
I finally had my chest x-ray and mammogram done yesterday. I'm terrified of the phone ringing to give me bad news. The doctor never calls if things are fine, only if something is amiss. I have myself in an awful state right now. My arm symptoms and my lung symptoms are on the same side and I've been googling frantically to come up with an answer to all my questions. I now have myself diagnosed .. I have lung cancer that's spread to the arm that controls the arm. I had a CT scan last winter that came back clear but I'm wondering if it would show the bronchial tubes? Maybe cancer was hiding out in this area? Would a chest x-ray show whether anything was growing in the tubes? I have myself half nuts today.

15-10-09, 16:47
I'm looking forward to reading your thread to say that all the tests were clear :)

I would be worried too but deep down you know you will be ok. Try your best not to worry too much.

Mand x

15-10-09, 18:47
Hello laura,

CT scans are pretty comprehensive, so I am sure it would have picked up on anything untoward in your bronchial tubes. Waiting for test results is awful, and sends our imaginations into overdrive, it seems like an unbearable time, and we manage to cook up all sort of unlikely stories, it is all part of this horrible health anxiety. Please do stay away from google - you are just torturing yourself even more. Remember, you CT scan, which wasn't that long ago came back perfectly clear - hang on to this thought. Hope you get the results through soon.

15-10-09, 21:49
Hi, I know how you feel. I had a mole cut out the other day and the doctor who knows of my HA said he would know within 2 days if something was wrong and he would call me so if I dont hear from him I can relax. Well, I didnt leave the house for 2 days and everytime the phone rang I was so terrified. He didnt call and 5 days later went to get my results which were clear. The funny thing was he said he had the results the next day but knew Id pass out if i heard him say "its dr ... " so he just let me wait. I also look forward to hearing your results were fine. Take care. Adelle

21-01-10, 20:04
im in the same boat. had my chest xray today and im absolutely convinced i have lung cancer. i cant get out of bed i feel so ill . she said a week to wait and ring gp. a week of hell then god knows what after that.