View Full Version : I am leaving tomorrow to go to belgrade I am so worried need some support

15-10-09, 20:16
tomorrow morning I am flying to Belgrade with my partner and some friends..I am so worried I will have a panic attack ...I have to fly at 8.15 so need to get up so early I am thinking of going to be now so I can have enough sleep,as when I don't sleep my anxiety gets worst..I went to the doc today and he gave me diazepan ...I am sure that will help..at least for the flight...but then when we get there I am hoping not to take any ..but I am worried I will need some so that will mean I will be like the kill joy of the group:weep:
There around 10 of us ..all my friends are all good fun like a laugh and like a drink..so they will want to go to pubs and I will not be able to drink...as since my anxiety has return I can't drink as I used to ...don't get me wrong I think that is good..but you know sometimes you want to let your hair down..well I can't now..I want to be a different person I am fed up of being me ..I want to be like "the normal " ones ...the ones that don't worry ..the ones that when they are going somewhere are excited and not in a state of fear..I am sure all the meds I have will get me through ...but I don't want to get through the weekend I want to enjoy...but maybe that is not possible anymore..
Thanks for reading this and hope you will be thinking of me shaking and panicking in Belgrade..:scared15:

Take care all :hugs::hugs:

15-10-09, 20:32
Hi Fran!
I hope you enjoy your trip to Belgrade. You have meds so if you need them just take them. Don't feel like you are being a kill joy.
Maybe just knowing that you have them if you need them will be enough without actually having to take many.
I know exactly what you mean about wanting to enjoy things like other people instead of just getting through them. I look at people all the time just wishing I could be like them. One day hopefully we will!:)
I really, really hope you have a good time. Let us know how you get on when you come back.
Love Judy.x:hugs::hugs:

15-10-09, 20:40
Hi Judy

Thank you so much ...:flowers:

I will try my best to enjoy and relax (just kidding myself)and you are right a lot of the times just having my meds in the bag helps..I take them with me everywhere hehehe

I will post again when I am back ..is only 3 days so not too long
Have a lovely weekend
Thank for your support

eternally optimistic
15-10-09, 21:05
Hi Fran

Good on you, you enjoy that trip and the medication - LOL.

You'll have a great great time and dont pressurise yourself before you go about whats going to happen.

You wont be a kill joy and you'll have a wonderful time.


If you dont mind, could you post or pm me regarding the meds.
This is the start of me getting back on a plane, hopefully next year.

15-10-09, 21:18
Hello Jackie,

i am trying to relax now and going to bed soon so i have my beauty sleep hehehe
I will pm you when i am back on sunday ...:)
I am scared of flying as well but i can' t stop i always push myself as i am from rome and if i let anxiety and the fear take over completely it will mean i wont see my family and friends over there anymore..as by train and over the channel and NOT under ...will take around 20 hours LOl
have a good weekend i will be in touch once i am back we can talk a little bit more about this i am sure before you know it you will be jetting off somwhere

15-10-09, 21:47
Have fun Fran:yesyes::yesyes::yesyes:

Luv Kaz x x x:hugs: