View Full Version : brain tumor

02-11-05, 22:26

i guess my main concern at the time is having a brain tumor, this is what i am mostly scared of. i dont know if this will make any sense but ill try to explain the best i can, i have a general tightness around my head or even my head almost as if its straining to think, then i feel like my head is heavy, and occasionally pulls to different sides or back, so i feel like im being pulled back, or from side to side, its like the floor is moving but a little different. also my legs feel weak like they are going to give up on me when i get it. when i walk its better, this usually happens when im standing still or sitting down. i dont know what to think amymore im pretty scared about this, if anyone has any words of reassurance it will be greatly appreciated.

thank you very much,

02-11-05, 22:32
I have had this too

Scary isn't it?

If you are really scared then get doc to give you a scan but I am sure it is anxiety.


03-11-05, 00:59
yeah, im terrified..i can deal with most of my symptoms but this is a new one, and it is the most worrisome for me

03-11-05, 08:39
Hi Jabz,

I also have these feelings and I'm sure they are anxiety. I get the feeling that the floor is moving slightly, or if I stare at something it moves slightly. I also get the heavy feeling in my head and the tightness. I have started going for an Indian head massage and this has helped relieve the tension in my head and neck, and also helps me relax.
These feelings still freak me out sometimes but hearing that someone else suffers with the same helps put my mind at rest. I'm sure they are anxiety.

05-11-05, 03:04
Word of advice from someone whos had a brain tumor.. Quote I said Had, its gone now.. I had surgery blah...blah... but I get the same feeling your talking about now and its caused by anxiety. Never had one sympton of the sort before my surgery.

Just keep telling yourself its just anxiety or make an appointment for a catscan then you can reassure yourself its just anxiety and your fears will go away and you cant start calming down.. :)

05-11-05, 05:02
thanks, youve managed to calm me down..phewww

05-11-05, 16:04

no way no how is it a tumour, you have a tension headache, and probably feel the same as about 10 million people around the world this morning.....in fact its saturday so after a friday night maybe 20 million due to hangovers...lol.

as someone who lives with a wife that had a suspected brain tumour i can tell you that your fine and that if it wasnt for worry then ur head would feel light, clear and fine and dnady, as it will soon.


27-11-05, 11:15
Hi Jabz,

This is something that has developed for me recently so I'm getting all the necessary checks done to put my mind at rest.

It is the weirdest feeling ever but the more you think about it the worse it gets and the reality is it will be nothing other than a cause of anxiety. The chemicals in the brain work in mysterious ways when it comes to stress and anxiety and it triggers the symptoms we feel.

They will most definitely pass. If you go on to the "Introduce yourself" topic page and look for my recent post Meg one of the adminstrators gave me some other links to people with similiar problems which may help you.

Take care
