View Full Version : Health anxiety medical anxiety question

16-10-09, 00:44

I wondered how many of you who suffer from Health anxiety where you worry about all the aches and pains you have but also worry equally about going to the doctor to get these symptoms checked out?

I worry that my fear of confirming my fear will stop me from going to the doctors to confirm a fear.

In actual fact I want someone just to say that I am ok. I wonder what I would do if I was actually found to have some symptoms confirmed as part of a serious disorder.

I feel that I could blame everything on anxiety and avoid the doctors because that's what we keep telling ourselves.

I sometimes wish I could just get used to the fear of dying so that if real symptoms exist and I ignore them for "anxiety symptoms" that I pass away calmly.

I am working on my spiritual beliefs more than anything now.

Anyone else feel the same?


16-10-09, 02:26
i know exactly how you feel. Several times a day I think about going to the doctor to discuss whatever the scary symptom of the moment is. I think about how long the symptom goes on and how I would describe it. I am almost always too scared to go to the doctor since i fear the news. I eventually get around to blaming everything on anxiety, at least at one level of my mind, but deep down I still can't convince myself of this. When I do go to the doctor and he runs tests and everything is fine, I feel better for a little while then the thoughts come back and start all over again. I too fear death immensely and fear leaving my kids without a father and with a memory of me dying a coward. Frequently I feel lilke such a loser because I go to church every Sunday and I tell my kids that God will take care of us, then I spend most of the day worrying that I am going to die. Nice huh? I don't have any answers for you just that I feel exactly as you do. Good luck.


16-10-09, 03:45
Thanks J2

Responsibility to your kids causes a lot of anxiety.


16-10-09, 03:55
I hope my words helped. I have found untold relief on this site. I hope I can provide some for you somehow.

16-10-09, 08:20
I am like this as for some reason I have fear of doctors/medical situations, so put things off for as long as possible. I am at the doctors next week and already worrying and know my blood pressue will go up.

16-10-09, 08:31
I worry about going to the doctors as I think that deep down I am wasting their time. I know that many things are fuelled by anxiety but I want answers. I want them to say that it is nothing to worry about but I also want them to diagnose something (nothing serious of course) so that it can be treated and will go away. Cant stand the waiting for things to pass and the not knowing.

16-10-09, 08:43
Waiting in the doctors to go in about a symptom i have makes me feel sick and could pass out. When he tells me its ok, i feel euphoric and this lasts for the rest of the day. But the thought of him telling me hes not sure and i need a test fills me with fear.

16-10-09, 09:08
count me in for all the above..definately...!!

sarah jayne
16-10-09, 09:19
I know how you feel. I worry about every ache and pain. I always dread going to the doctors . I worry that the doctor doesnt take me sriously because i suffer from anxiety.
Sarah x

16-10-09, 18:18
I have changed doctors as we have moved to wales. I fear if I go to the docs they may think I could have something wrong and I will replay the tests of the last doctors.

Do I go in and tell them I have Anxiety that limits how I live or do I keep hush wait for my medical records to appear and hope they don't take me too seriously because I only want reassurance not diagnosis.

What do you think.
