View Full Version : Feeling panicky right now

03-11-05, 08:30
I applied to do a course for book keeping online thinking i would be able to do something with my life and do it in the safety of my own home.
I got a phone call yesterday saying someone would be coming to see me today at 2pm
Right from the moment i got up this morning i've started to panic..i hate seeing people i don't know, They never gave me a number to ring to cancel so i'm stuck now and panicking like crazy.
I really want to do this course but i didn't think it would mean someone cominjg out to see me...i don't know what to do...what if i make a fool of myself while he's here:(

Sorry for rambling just needed to get it off my chest

Haze xxx

Sal x
03-11-05, 08:54
Hi Haze,

Im sure things will be fine and it they may only be there half an hour.

Just think how much better you will feel after they have gone.

Try not to worry (hard, I know)

Take care

Sal x

03-11-05, 09:07
Aww Haze I've moments like this.

Take the bull by the horns today though as it would be great to learn how to do this because its a skill you can use at home to earn and when you feel better you can also do it in the workplace (good money too).

You could also make up a little excuse like you are suffering from IBS at the moment, then if you feel really bad it gives you an excuse to get rid of them.

Do try and do it though you will be so glad you did.

Love Piglet

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

03-11-05, 09:43
Hi Haze,
Remember, you will be in your own home, so on your own territory, which is one good thing, secondly just think positively, you wont make a fool of yourself, just relax and take deep breaths, you will be fine hun.

Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwitten'

03-11-05, 11:36
i am like this also, when i went for my job interview in feb this year I told them straight I been having panic attacks and am trying to get my life back on track. Now Id rather lay my cards on the table than have to pretend and now my boss is great i phoned a month ago saying i having a bad moment and wouldnt be in and they are great!
Infact the other boss told me her daughter is going thru the same problem and shes only 19.
The way i see it i only want a understanding boss so ive nothing to loose!


03-11-05, 11:54
Hi Haze, I hope that you are feeling a little better now.

You will be fine hun!

Good luck!:D

Take Care



03-11-05, 12:55
go for it as mirry said you have nothing to loose
be strong youll be fine let us no how you get on
sending you positive thoughts for 2pm