View Full Version : tremor and low blood pressure

16-10-09, 09:19
hi all
Im really scared, I went to the doctors yesterday and told her about my really bad dizzyness and panic attacks, she said my blood pressure was low which gave me a fright because I know low blood pressure can make you faint, Ive also started to develop a facial tremor which has been worse, I started to get it years ago when I started the citalopram and she gave me propranonal beta blockers, surely if my blood pressures low isnt the beta blockers going to make it worse? Im also panicking over this tremor, its getting more noticable and the doctor dont seem bothered, im hoping that the drugs are causing this and it will go if I stop them. Any advice would be appreciated.

With Love

16-10-09, 15:31
Please try not to worry yourself too much. I also have low blood pressure, 80/60, sometimes it drops to the point where they cant find it on the monitor and it makes me giggle because they get worried and I have been this way my whole life. I also have had the "shakes", when that happens I will drink some orange juice to bring up my blood sugar some. I have never fainted due to my blood pressure, thank God, but I do get a little dizzy sometimes. I have never had a facial tremor before so I cant help with that, but please dont worry because if the doctor didnt worry it was probably nothing. What are your beta blockers for? Take care

16-10-09, 15:42
i have low blood pressure too and i have never fainted do get dizzy if i stand up to quick but apart from that im fine.

low blood pressure is actually good for u.

i dont have tremors cant help u with that.

16-10-09, 16:04
alot of athletes have low blood pressure as well, as when they are resting or going about there normal business there heart does not have to work as hard because it pumps easily.

17-10-09, 10:26
Thankyou for all your replys, I have to take the beta blockers for panic attacks so hopefully they will start working.