View Full Version : Pain on left side of chest

16-10-09, 13:38
Does anyone know if pain that is related to the heart would be felt in the centre of the chest (as thats where your heart is).I ask because lately I keep getting a shooting pain on the left side of my chest, it makes me flinch sometimes! It feels more under by breast and sometimes I get a pain in my left shoulder.I have been told before by the doctor that that pain in my left shoulder was muscular but lately the chest thing bothers me, I am goign to mention it to the doctor. I hope its not heart related.I am 30 and suffer with anxiety, I dont take anything but I am plagued by worry all the time

16-10-09, 15:00
Hello SammyJ :)

I get this to when i am really really stressed tight chest, shooting pains that feel like are in my heart i also get the shoulder pain, i went to me doctor who dismissed it by saying " you must have pulled a muscle" and the chest pains he just said well thats anxiety and was a little short with me :(.

It got so bad one time i was rushed to hospital because i thought i was having a heart attack, they did a ECG and my heart was fine :).

It a common anxiety symptom SammyJ hope this helps take care xxx

16-10-09, 15:06
Thank you Meg. It is so unbelievably scary, I have to catch my breath sometimes. It only last for about 2 seconds. I am sure it was a heart attack it would not go so quick would it? I am only 30 and the chances of a heart attack should be slim but I am like you never know. I have no trust what so ever at the moment with my body, its actually quite distressing.I am seeing the doctor next week and am going to mention it and see what they sayI just keep thinking to myself if I was fine this would not be happening....you dont have pains for no reason. Is this just me being irrational because of my anxiety.

16-10-09, 15:12
Yes anxiety causes many irrational thoughts, i have had countless number of aches pains you name it and thought something sinister was behind it when it was all due to anxiety :)

Good Luck at the doctors hopefully he can explain this to you xx

Cell block H fan
16-10-09, 16:08
Well, I heard that worrying heart problems, present themselves with pain in the MIDDLE of the chest, even though the heart is on the left. And yes, you guessed it, I get pain in the middle of the chest lol :doh: But it goes through my back, & is usually after I have eaten, so I put it down to indigestion! Can be scary at times though. And I have quite a physical job, so I think muscular pain plays a part too, especially when I get the pain under my breasts in my rib area that can be quite intermittent..

16-10-09, 16:28
I get that occasionally to Cell, anxiety causes all sorts of different chest pains and feelings, i tell people over and over again but its important that when people come on this site they read the symptom checker on the left, it explains well why these sensations happen and then they can get a little understanding of it :).
