View Full Version : So sick of this now

anx mum
16-10-09, 16:16
As many have u know been getting headaches for about 3 months now constant they have been a little better for past few weeks still there but ok 2 manage today my head has been awful hurts on left temple and right temple feels sore. Keep wondering why do i keep getting headaches? :weep:

16-10-09, 16:45
tension headaches hun, nothing to worry about :)

17-10-09, 00:55
Hi, ive had headaches now for the last 2 months been to the doctor 3 times and said it was tension headaches sucks :( im convinced I have somthing more serious and cant accept that it is nothing more than stress and tension :(. Ive had my eyes tested and had that camera that takes a photo behind your eye everything is fine blood pressure is fine but yet i go around everyday worrying what it could be

17-10-09, 10:55
Its because you are so stressed. Tension does cause the most awful headaches and the more you worry about them the more tense you become. Vicious circle. Are you on any meds? If not, perhaps something from the doctor to calm you down would help.

17-10-09, 11:35
im on no medication for my stress or anxiety doctor told me to take either paracetamol or ibuprofen to help with headaches, its not really a full on headache most of the time its just a tight feeling around my head dull ache on top and then get sharp pains on and off on the forehead above the eyes, any tips on how to manage tension headaches ??

sarah jayne
17-10-09, 12:13
ask your doctor for the meds im on ( pregabalin) its for chronic pain and anxiety, it might help you, its worth a try x