View Full Version : lymph node update: advice needed!!

16-10-09, 16:34
I've posted several things about lymph nodes before and I finally plucked up the courage to see the doctor about it! She felt them and told me they felt normal in size, consistency etc and were did not feel cancerous at all, she did however say that if they were still there in a month i should go back and she may arrange a scan to confirm. Is this normal? it freaked me out a bit as she even said how small they were and that they were completely normal!

Many thanks

16-10-09, 16:36
My guess would be she is airing on the side of caution and knowing you are anxious about it probably wants to put your mind at rest. Try not to worry


16-10-09, 16:47
I think youre right- she did say it was standard practise as it has been there a while, I just found it odd as they are not enlarged and sometimes can be felt under the skin anyway. I just know I will be worried for a month now as I dont think they will go in that time! already been 3! lol

17-10-09, 17:50
Oh I wish I could say something to make you feel better. I think the waiting is the worst bit. I think, why not just send me now and get it over with. However, if the doc was at all suspicious, she would have referred you straight away so take heart in that. They always say that at the end of consultations, to come back in 2 weeks/months etc. I think they must be told to say this in their training just to cover themselves. So dont worry that it means anything is wrong.

I am in the waiting game myself at the moment so know what its like. You are not on your own.

take care