View Full Version : Book fell on my head

16-10-09, 16:55
Hi a book fell from a wardrobe and hit me on left side off head.

Now im panicking. After what happened to Liam Neesons wife im worried.

I have a slight headach but wondering if its more stress than anything.

Any reasurance please or should i go to docs!

16-10-09, 17:35
I got hit by a 17"CRT monitor from a height and was fine. I've also had a fractured skull in the past which resulted in an extradural hematoma - when that happend I felt like I had flu and couldn't keep awake - had to splash cold water on my face just to keep eyes open - also other people told me my conversations at that time made no sense.

I would doubt a book would cause any damage - do you have a lump where it hit?

16-10-09, 17:40
Hi, I really wouldnt worry, the amount of times iv walked into things, bumped my head on a wall at night even walked into a lampost AND hit my head on a brick wall once at night (bit drunk lol) im still fine, its normal to get a headache after, i always do, I think if it were something that sinister you wouldv been knocked unconcious and would be in immense pain suffering concussion. If you still feel bad tomorrow go to the docs for reassurance but i think painkillers would do the trick


16-10-09, 18:04
You'll be fine, even if it was a big book it won't have damaged you. The human body is remarkably resiliant! Take some paracetamol for the headache, if you have a lump put ice on it, and if you're still bothered by it in a couple of days go to the doctors and put your mind at rest.

Hope it feels better soon!!

17-10-09, 00:41
cheers all.

Well its been several hours and i feel fine. Still a bit tense about it & worried about going to sleep etc... but hopefully should feel fine. Thank you.

17-10-09, 08:03
I am sitting here also worried sick about a hit on the head. Yesterday, I was closing the trunk of someone else's car and I was distracted and closed it so that the corner hit me in the forehead and then scraped down my nose. (I know, it is kind of funny) It hurt like crazy and I immediately thought of Liam Neeson's wife as well!!! I didn't go to the ER- thought I would feel like an idiot, besides, I'm a nurse and I should not go to the ER for something so silly. I have a bump and bruise on my forehead and I am having pains on that side of my head occasionally. It has been 34 hours since this happened but you can get very small bleeds that can take weeks for symptoms to develop (sorry, not trying to scare anyone but it's true).
So, we are kind of in the same boat:) I hope your head is ok. I could try to reassure you saying that if you did not lose consciousness and you did not vomit and your pupils are equal size and reactive to light, you'll be just fine. But then I could tell myself that too but I'm still worrying!!
Good luck:)

17-10-09, 08:22
Hi Nursey, When I had the extradural hematoma I had no bump. The doctors told me a bump is a good sign - it means the hit is only on the outside of the skull. My fractured skull went inwards to cause the bleeding in my head. The skull can take a lot of force, even after surgery (craniotomy) I can still do anything I like - the consultants told me its one of the strongest bones. I also lost full consciousness when it happend and had no memory of hours before or after. I wouldn't worry. :)

18-10-09, 08:03
Thanks panic33! I am feeling much better about things today. Glad you are ok though- sounds very scary!