View Full Version : Some advice please

16-10-09, 17:05
I have had HA for over a year now and I still don't know when its anxiety or a genuine illness.
My wife gave birth last friday. It was a difficult labour, the baby got stuck and had cord around his neck but thankfully due to quick thinking midwives he is doing great now. Haven't had much sleep since.
Since then though I have phlegm in my throat and feeling of blocked nose on the right side even though I can breathe through it. I cough all the time, my chest is clear but i still bring up phlegm from the back of my throat. Its really annoying me now.
For the last couple of days also I have a bloated feeling and stabbing pains under my man boobs and it is really uncomfortable. Don't know if its linked but my arms are aching as well.
If anyone has had these symptoms any help or advice would be appreciated. I feel really rough and ready to cry.

16-10-09, 17:10
First of all congratulations on your new baby.. how exciting. Im sure this is just a nasty cough/cold which you are going to prone to being run down through lack of sleep.. i remember it well.. but go get the dr to have a listen to your chest to make sure you don't need antibiotics.. you need to feel well so you can enjoy your precious baby


16-10-09, 21:22
I can't really say more than what mandy said dear.If you are uncertain pop down to your gp. You just sound quite run down an dyou said yourself,it happened shortly after your wife gave birth. I know how it is to have anxiety run away with us though


sarah jayne
16-10-09, 21:27
Congratulations on the birth of your child ! Lack of sleep wont be helpng, when my youngest child was born by husband felt run down for a couple of months. Theres lots of bugs going around at the moment but if your unsure go to your gp if only to put your mond at rest x

16-10-09, 21:31
Congratulations on your baby! I chuckled when I saw you mention that your arms were aching....THAT I can tell you is from holding your new baby! My husband actually hurt his wrist so badly in the first couple of months after my daughter was born that he had to go for x-rays! Turns out it was just a muscle strain from holding our daughter!

As far as the blocked nose, cough, phlegm....it could be allergies or possibly a slight cold. After all, it is that time of year! I would pop into your doc for a quick check - not because I think that there's anything seriously wrong, but just in the best interest of the baby. You don't want to pass along a cold to your newborn, so your doctor will be able to tell you what you have. Hope you feel better soon!

17-10-09, 14:40
Thanks for your replies. Sleep deprivation is a part of it I'm sure.