View Full Version : Wisdom teeth/sinus troubles :(

16-10-09, 18:05
Hi all. *waves* I posted a week or two ago about exrcuiating pain in my face and being to the doctos and thinking I had earache etc..

Well,I was at dentist and turns out my wisdom teeth(which aren't even through are infected so have been on antibiotics. But here is my problem..my face,jaw and cheeks feel all swollen but they don't look it but it feels like my lower jaw is all swollen and heavy and I have never had an operation before but these are going tohave to come out.

I basically need reassurance. I'm scared of it all,scared of complications..and thepain just now is unreal..it's making me feel headachey and I can hardly open my mouth,can't eat,when I move my head has so much pressure through it,like my sinuses and I'm just worried.

I'm scared they cut a nerve or something and I'll be numb and I'm really freaking out.
PLEASE help xx

16-10-09, 20:18

16-10-09, 20:40
your in more pain now than you will be when you have them out, trust me, i had mine out couple of weeks ago, they were broken, rotten and painful but getting them out was easy and took about 10 minutes so don't worry bout that :)

Keep taken the antibiotics and just get them out and i bet you'll feel brilliant a few days later.

16-10-09, 23:09
Thanks for the reply. I think I'm scared because of the nerves back there and stuff. I've heard of nerve damage and getting numbness in your face and such and I'm scared some other complications occur under anasthetic etc or they have to remove more teeth and aaah..you know how it goes..and I am just really scared :( and the pain just now is bad..I dunno how to relief it,it feels like sinuses,lots of pressure in my face and neck :weep:


16-10-09, 23:30
I had mine taken out in surgery. The other post is right in that it hurts worse now than after. It is like thepain and pressure is instantly gone when they are gone. After, the worst part is keep the holes clean and making sure you don't get dry sockets. Relax hun, you will be ok and it will be much better once they are gone.

PS. wisdom teeth can cause sinus probelms.

16-10-09, 23:36
With the sinuses,does that mean like the same nerves and things? I WILL NOT google heh. But the pain is awful and it keeps giving me this boking gagging feeling in my throat like I want to be sick.