View Full Version : Hi

16-10-09, 22:11
Hi everyone,

I am 29 and suffer from health anxiety, which recently has become worse and I have had a few panic moments.

I am here for advice and support as with this mental state I have found no-one 'understands' what you are going through - I always tell them that when I don't feel like it I can't understand why I did either!

I am feeling the worst ever right now due; 1. An inner ear infection (the logical choice) 2. A terminal brain tumour (most favoured by the anxious mind and currently winning by a great deal :weep: )

I do think the forum is wonderful and after posting in the health anxiety part before this I feel a bit better already.

Hugs to all fellow anxious folk :hugs:

16-10-09, 22:13
Hi mark1980

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

16-10-09, 22:13
I need a fifth post (hence the reply to myself) so I can take a look at the games, so here goes! Hopefully something to occupy my mind away from bad thoughts.

sarah jayne
17-10-09, 08:31
Hi, im 28 and also suffer from health anxiety. Ive been on this site for the past few months and found it very helpful, im sure you will aswell.
Sarah x

17-10-09, 09:57
:welcome: Mark,

It can certainly feel a lonely place when people don't understand what you are going through.

I hope the forum/ site helps.

All the best :)


17-10-09, 11:24
Hi Mark and welcome. Im new too by the way!

Im sure its not a tumour, but I dont belittle your worries. I have had some wild worries over the years ... and logically I knew they were silly but that doesnt necessarily stop the worry!!

Make sure you have a doctor you are comfortable with, that would be a good start ...

Best wishes, Samuel

17-10-09, 14:19
Hi Mark and im new three :)

This site is already helping me, hope it does the same for you.. im sure it will


17-10-09, 14:38
I am new to the site. I am looking forward to talking to other people who have panic. I think it will help us.

17-10-09, 20:16
Wow, thanks for a the welcomes everyone.

Feels so much better knowing your not alone here - had a better day today but feeling a but rough now, hate the night-times as that's always worst for me :weep: