03-11-05, 09:44

Considering all thats happened to me over the last two weeks, I thought I had been doing quite well, until yesterday. Where I had the pethidine injection in my leg, during labour, has been painful ever since but had gradually gone to a dull pain if I tried to bend too far. Yesterday, thinking it was much better I bent down and it hurt really bad and has been worse ever since. I'm walking, as one of my customers said, like Long John Silver!!! What I don't understand, is that now, all of a sudden all of my panic symptoms are back with avengeance. I'm shaking, my mind is in overdrive, the missed beats and the unreal feelings. I'm really in a state and can't concentrate on anything and I am really irritable. I am also tired and can't see a time when I can have a proper break, especially as I have no help at all at work. I am resting as much as possible when I get home, but the house is beginning to look like a bombsite, my ironing is piling up....all the usual stuff. My husband is being really good and doing as much as he can but he works really long hours too.

Meg, re the pethidine injection, can you shed any light on why it is still so painful and have I made it worse, by bending it and somehow pulling it?

I really can't cope with the feelings of panic right now but should really have expected that they would return with everything that has happened. We still haven't been given a date for the babies funeral, so still have that to face. The ectopics and the shakiness are the worst of my panic symptoms and, before this I had been coping quite well.

Please help.


03-11-05, 10:10
Hi Linda,

Aww its not at all surprising you are feeling as you do with all that has gone on.

You've been through a very traumatic experience both physically and mentally, you need to be really kind and gentle with yourself hun.

I know work is helping from the distraction point of view but we can't always run away from ourselves if you know what I mean.

Thinking of you.

Big hug.

Love Piglet

Oh and sod the ironing!!!!!

03-11-05, 10:31

Sorry to hear you are not feeling so good. Can't you call the doctor or NHS direct for some advice on this? They may be able to reassure you.

Meg is away until next Wednesday so won't be able to reply.

Hope it gets better soon.


03-11-05, 11:30
Hi Linjane,

Just read your post and really feel for you, as Piglet said dont bother with the ironing its really not important.If you feel so overwhelmed then maybe consider getting a cleaner for a while.....you can find them for £5 an hour if you phone your local council they should know of some organisation that offers this service to the community.
As for your leg I seem to remember being just the same when i had the same injection I know it can bruise deep down but as your panics are hitting a high ask Nhs or a medical person to put your mind at ease.
Take time for yourself and remember to come back and chat to us here for the support you deserve.


03-11-05, 12:51
sorry t hear of your sad loss no wonder you feel bad you are remarkable to be working as piglet said get a cleaner and ironing service loads of shops about cant really offer any advice ring docs about leg or nhs direct as nicola said to put your mind at rest hope you feel abit better soon and take care

03-11-05, 21:28
i am so so sorry to hear about what a bad time you have had recently. I wish I knew what to say to help, but i think it's amazing that you have gone back to work.

I hope things get easier for you soon.
My thoughts are with you
Take care and try and keep your chin up


05-11-05, 09:38
hello linjane
im not sure how to start my message.

firstly, your hormones are all over the place (if you think to the times your due on, does it get worse then?) you are going through an experience i believe nobody should ever have to go through.

so if you think about it you have many triggers in your life right now.

you are doing amazing, and you are perfectly normal in my eyes. i dont believe the pethedine has done anything, but as you know most anxiety sufferers latch onto something, ie, heart, breathing, losing it.

The injection has probably bruisd your muscle and that does hurt, you probably have internal brusing too. try not to worry. if it dont go away soon, go see your gp.

i wish you and your family all the love in the world, and you know what pat yourself on the back.

its a blip hun thats all, you can do this.......and sod the house work, its not going anywhere.

feel free to pm me anytime.

take care kim

05-11-05, 17:23
Thankyou, there are some lovely replies here they mean a lot to me.

I'm doing a bit better now, but my leg is still painful. I am going to try to go to the docs on Monday as it is getting me down now and I am trying not to let my brain go into overdrive. I know that is just my anxiety taking over. Still having the missed beats but trying not to focus on them, easier said than done though.

Reece is back at the hospital now and we are just waiting to find out when his funeral will be. It seems really weird, because in some ways it seems like it all happened so long ago...... I am feeling very down about the baby at the moment and keep thinking what it would have been like if he had made it. My husband has just booked a holiday for next June and everyone else is really excited, whereas before, it was all focused on March, when we should have had the baby. I don't know how I am going to deal with these feelings because I know, deep down, I would love to try again, but don't think emotionally either of us could take it.

I haven't been overdoing the housework, and just leaving it to pile up around me, but I do feel guilty. When I feel tired now, I just lie down and go to sleep but I don't know when I will ever catch up on all of the sleep I have missed.

Thanks again for all of the replies.
Take care,
Love, Linda.xxx

06-11-05, 10:30
Still thinking about you hun.

Love Piglet x