View Full Version : Worried that I may have this...

16-10-09, 22:28
Starting a couple of days ago, I've been feeling really ill with flu, and now I'm thinking that it might be swine flu. I've had an on-and-off high temperature since I first felt ill, as well as chills. My ears are ringing, I keep sneezing and coughing, and I feel really weak and somewhat dizzy whenever I stand up. My heart often beats ten-to-the-dozen now as well, which is quite worrying, and I have practically no appetite, as well as having a stomach ache last night (although that could have been down to taking aspirin on an empty stomach ;^^).

Admittedly I'm agoraphobic and don't go out much, so I doubt I've come into direct contact with anyone outside who could have it, but my sisters and parents go out a lot (my Dad thinks I may have caught it from him, although he doesn't believe it's swine flu). Also, I had pretty much the same thing about a month or so ago when I was in Scotland, and although it went, the cough didn't, so I'm also worried that it didn't properly go the first time.

I can't go to the doctor's to see if this is swine flu, as people who are suspected of having it over here aren't allowed into medical centres in case they spread it. So how can tell if I have it, and if I do have it, what can I do to get rid of it?

16-10-09, 22:33
You need to call the swine flu hotline and they will advise you

17-10-09, 04:17
even if it DID turn out to be swine flu, which it probably won't, its just bad flu, and unlike run of the mill flu they treat this one. Honestly don't listen too much to what the media say about it, its not the great apocalyptic illness they make it out to be.

like Nicola says, call the swine flu hotline or NHS direct (you can google their number) and they'll sort you out, don't worry it'll be fine :)

17-10-09, 14:04
If you've had flu before you'll know the difference i'm sure. Phoning the flu hotline will just guarantee, if your showing a temperature and two or more symptoms they'll say yeah you got swine flu, when it could just be normal flu!

Also if you had previously had swine flu, chances are you wont get it again unless it mutates, which as far as experts are saying, it hasn't.