View Full Version : Hives..

16-10-09, 23:07
I started getting them last year while I was at a ex boyfriend's funeral, unfortunately. It was the first time I've ever seen anything like it, I'm guessing it was just all the adrenaline running throughout my body because I was so upset I couldn't go into the visitation room to see him for hours. AWFUL DAY! :weep:
Ever since then, when I'm panicky or upset my chest, arms, and cheeks break out in huge blotches. It's not as severe anymore but still there. I'll occasionally feel a burn on my arm ( or neck ) and I'll look down and see bright red raised lines. These in particular, are pretty painful but my GP basically just told me to bear with it.
I've also developed "solar urticaria" since that day, meaning any part of my skin that is exposed in the sun will break out as well. This isn't painful but a little embarrassing and just flat out frustrating. Thank god for my olive skin tone or I'd look like a ghost! :D Haha.
Does anyone else break out in stressful situations etc.? probably not, but it never hurts to ask!

16-10-09, 23:23
I suffer from eczema and although it is miles better from when I was an infant,when I get stressed,run down,it can break out,almost instantly.

I have to watch out for spicey foods and dairy because they can also worsen it but yes,I can break out in stressful situations and it is not pleasant at all so I feel fo ryou petal xx