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View Full Version : teenager kinda worried

24-01-04, 08:10
my names Hope im 14 years old and im from Australia
I was a on another forum on a different site nothing even about panic attacks but i was reading a topic about depression and it lead me to some sites about teenage depressions i was reading through this and it was talking about alotta stuff i didnt understand like i wrote down on a little peice of paper

"Anxiety, depression, panic attacks. obbsessive compsulsive disorder (O.C.D) & Agoraphobia"

i decided to follow up and research about these topics when i came across this site i was reading all the symptoms and i found out a whole side of me i never knew or even thought about before i was showing many of the symptoms and this started to scare me. i still wasnt really sure what actually happens when you have a panic attack so i read "My Story" section and i recognized alot of that story from myself iv never been to a doctor or a hosiptal or a therapist or anything before in my life i'v always been a healthy kid .. so i thought these symptoms i recognize from when i was just a kid
can anyone help me?[?]

24-01-04, 12:12
Hi Jaidan

Keep having a look around and find out what you can. If you think you may be suffering from some kind of anxiety dissorder then the first thing you need to do is build up a wealth of knowledge about it so that you know what your dealing with. Once you find out more about it then you can start pushing through it.

A trip to the doctor would be a good start though, just tell him how you feel and see what he thinks it is. He may send you to see a therapist which is good, they will tell you a lot about yourself and allow you to understand it a lot better.

You don't need to be scared either, although I suppose that is the nature of anxiety, but it's not like it's some kind of terminal ilness or anything, just means your more anxious than the average person really.

Keep asking questions on the boards. There's also a search facility at the top of the page so that you can search through the message boards for what your looking for.


24-01-04, 12:32
You could try this too Jaidan... http://www.paniccenter.net/

Someone recommended this site on the message boards, it's for help with anxiety but there is a test there to see if you suffer from an anxiety dissorder of any kind, it may shed some light on your situation.

Keep coming back to the boards though, everyone here is very friendly and will do their best to answer your questions.


25-01-04, 06:07
thnx mico will do thnx for ur help

Email me anytime love to help

~love jaidan~

25-01-04, 15:54
No problem Jaiden, Keep us posted on how your getting on.


25-01-04, 18:52
Hi jaiden,
I'm 40, and have suffered from panic for years, but I also found this site a bit scary when I first browsed through it. It can be like reading a Medical Encyclopedia sometimes, where you find something and think "Maybe I've got that"! You'll find a lot of support and advice in this site, but my recommendation to you as a healthy kid would be not to sit for hours in front of the PC worrying too much. Being outside in the fresh air is much nicer.


26-01-04, 00:31
Hi Jaidan,

I definately applaud you for looking at this site and researching possible causes of your symptoms. However, I wouldn't worry about it much until you talk to your doctor about what's going on and then work from there.

Let us know how it goes.



27-01-04, 05:08
thnx everyone, u'v helped, and that site mico gave me helped too, i did that test and it came up with alot of stuff but then my computer crashed and i didnt get to read it all so i must try again
thnx again guys

~love jaidan~

27-01-04, 05:09
ill let you guys know what the results of the test are

~love jaidan~

27-01-04, 05:37
G'day again
i just took the test again and the results came as such:

*Fear of public speaking
*Social phobia/anxiety
*generalized anxiety
*post-traumatic stress
*agorphobic anxiety
*depressive symptoms

so where do i go from here like i dunno what can i do now with the information i have?

~love jaidan~

27-01-04, 12:04
Hi Jaiden

It's hard to say what u should do now Jaiden, I don't really know too much about you. What drew you towards researching about anxiety? Do you believe it affects your life in any way? Do you believe the results of the test are correct? It's just that you sound a little unsure about the whole thing, although it can be very confusing if you don't know what it is.

I think - if I remember rightly - you can print the results of your test and take them to your doctor. It's probably a good idea to see a doctor anyway, he'll be able to diagnose you better in person.

Apart from that, It would be a good start to have a good look at this site - although you've probably already done that - then check on the message boards, find people with similar symptoms to yourself and find out how they deal with it. Ask questions too.

Once you have a good idea of what your dealing with you can look at forms of therapy - don't worry I don't mean electric shock therapy or anything like that! Just things like relaxation. CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) is probably the most widely used forms of therapy for anxiety, it just teaches you how to deal with panic attacks and change your thought processes.

If I knew a little more about your symptoms I could tell you more, but building up your knowledge of anxiety is a good start, knowledge is power.

I think Jim is right about not sitting in front of the PC for too long too.


27-01-04, 19:50
Hi Jaiden

Welcome to the site.

I am glad you read "My story" and the reason I wrote it was to show people that so much can happen to them and it is quite normal and they are not alone.

I am getting better as time goes on but when I was at my worst I was very ill and felt very low.

I hope you can find some answers to your problems on here and good luck with the recovery programme.

Have you seen the doctor about this?


28-01-04, 02:10
Hey Nicola
umm i havn't to a doctor yet im still unsure if even anything is wrong with me i jus show alot of the symptoms but im too scared to even bring up the subject with my parents im scared to death about confronting my parents with anything like if i wanna talk to my parents about sumthing i would go up them i would "hey mum" and she would say "hey whats up" and i would just say "umm nothing realy" and keep walking even if its really important

~love jaidan~

28-01-04, 02:18
G'day again
Also i just have a question for you guys to answer if you dont mind answering it for me well would getting startled extremly easy be any part of this cuase fi im on my computer and someone walks in the room and says my ame i like get startled so eaasy by that i just jump like 10 miles in the air i get scared out of my mind??

~love jaidan~

28-01-04, 13:57
Hi Jaiden

Being easily startled can be part of an anxiety dissorder, but then again are you startled because you don't want anyone to find out that your looking into anxiety dissorders? Or does it happen all the time?

Going to the doctors is still a good idea Jaiden, you might be unsure if there is anything wrong with you but that is what the doctor is there for. Telling your parents would be good too, I'm sure they'd be very supportive.

I think the first step you need to take is to find out for sure wether you suffer from anxiety, and going to the doctors and maybe even telling your parents would be a good start.


29-01-04, 09:47
Hey Mico
no its not just when im looking at stuff about anxiety its just anytime i might me in a chat room or just talking to people playing or game or searching the net about anything simetimes it happens when im off the computer aswell but just not as often.

Also i would go see a doctor, but im just so uneasy talking with my parents. Like in my spare time i write poetry and i entered an online international competition and i got into the finals and i was even scared to tell my parents about that is there anyway of seeing a doctor without my parents knowing??

~love jaidan~

29-01-04, 13:48
Hi Jaiden

I don't live in Australia, so I don't know if you can just go to the doctors by yourself or not. What about a school nurse or something like that, I'm sure they would be able to help you, and any information you gave I'm sure would be confidential. Maybe even a teacher at school, I would imagine they would be able to point you in the right direction. Many people have problems at school and I'm sure if you asked someone there they would be able to arrange for you to meet someone and talk about it. Would you feel comfortable Asking any of your teachers about this?

I can understand you not wanting your parents to see your poetry, that is something a lot of people don't want anyone to see because it can be a very personal thing, but congratulations on getting into the finals anyway.

If you don't want to tell your parents about this try to ask someone at school Jaiden, it will help you clear a lot of things up. You'll feel better for it afterwards.

Tell us how you get on


01-02-04, 00:52
Hey Mico
Thnx i will try see someone at school about it.
thnx for ur help mico and everyone else. I would like my parents to know about my poetry im just scared to confront them about it becuase i dont communicate much with my parents and we don't really get along all the time they know hardly anything about me
Cheers mico

~love jaidan~

02-02-04, 10:37
I hope you get on well at school, don't worry if you feel you can't ask anyone about it, but it would be beneficial to you so try to do it. Even if your worried about asking someone now, you'll probably wonder what you were worrying about afterwards.


06-02-04, 23:45
Hey Mico
Thnx for everythingg

~love jaidan~