View Full Version : Sleep problems

03-11-05, 10:16
Hi i'm new to this forum. I've had panic attacks for a few years now. I tend to have a big one once a year which spans over a few weeks, and and little ones in between which i've learnt to deal.

However this time my attacks are that i won't be able to sleep, and with winding myself up about that i can't get to sleep.

i've started doing Yoga and meditation which i'm not too sure if they are having an impact on it or not. For the past 2 nights i've been taking a herbal remedy called Seditol which seems to be working.

Does anyone else have this problem and if so how did you deal with it?
I used to love my sleep, i could sleep for days, now i'm scared to go to sleep, because i know i'm going to toss and turn for 2 hours, eventually pass out and then wake up several times during the night.

03-11-05, 10:31
Hi D,
Firstly welcome to the forum ,you will get a lot of good advice here and make some good friends.

Have you tried a lavender bath before bed, or a relaxation cd, I used to have terrible trouble getting off to sleep, but I found taking the time to relax and chill out before I went to bed normally worked for me.

Good luck with it
Take care
Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwitten'

03-11-05, 10:53
Hi trace

I haven't tried a relaxing CD, but i have a nice relaxing bath with lavender oil 30 minutes before i go to bed, make sure that i'm in bed at the same time every night...you name it i've tried it.

The Seditol seems to be working for the past 2 nights though, so its looking up hopefully....

03-11-05, 12:03
Hi D and welcome to NMP where you will get lots of support and make

some new friends too!:D

Take Care



03-11-05, 12:15
Hi D

A Big welcome to the site. :)

I know how you feel, I to used to be able to sleep for England but now find myself tossing and turning all night. I have found that not drinking tea in the evening and listening to Harrold Glenn's relaxation CD in bed does help me fall asleep.


03-11-05, 12:37
thanks everyone for the nice welcome.

it seems to be getting much better, getting my life back on track again. Just takes time. I try to stay positive and stay in the here and now but we all know how difficult that can be sometimes.

Being looking over the forum and it seems most people who suffer from panics are in their mid to late 20's or am i wrong?

05-11-05, 02:48

I suffer from problems sleeping, my panic attacks and anxiety were initially caused by bad neighbours who kept me awake randomly, which has meant I'm always scared I won't be able to sleep.

It builds up, because I then worry I'll be so tired and not be able to function at work, and I know being sleepy makes me more anxious during the day.

Nytol one-a-night is my friend! They're pretty weedy though, I think they're just a placebo and I can often sleep without taking anything. The lavender thing helps a bit, but anything (like tonight) can set me off.

The big thing is to not worry about it, which is really hard - just knowing that even if you didn't sleep all night, things would be ok. That tends to help relax me - and I've started some CBT for my anxiety, which is helping me relax in general.

I'm 26 - but you'll see from the site that the age range here is pretty great, it's not just 20-somethings, though I know a lot of people in their mid-20s who have had some anxiety probs at some point.


06-11-05, 07:42
My first panic attacks started during my sleeps about 3 years ago. I didn't even know what a panic attack was. I was just waking up from my sleeps with a weird unexplainable feeling and I couldn't go back to sleep afterwards. I went to cardiologist, all kinds of tests were done and it was ok. I used a drug for a while called Cipram and it helped. Afterwards I quit the drug and it was still ok, but every now and then I was waking up with heartrace or I was having trouble going to sleep. When my conscience was slipping away, I would jump out and again try to calm myself for 20 minutes for another jump. Then I found a therapy myself. For 1.5 years I'm putting sitcoms in my DVD and open the volume a little so I can hear the chat and that helps me clear my mind of all my fears of "not being able to sleep" so I can go to sleep around 30-45 minutes. So far, they are working good. But now I'm afraid that this will become an obsession and I won't be able to sleep at all without a sitcom playing in front of me. For example in case I have a girlfriend someday and she stays over, how am I going to explain this to her that I can't sleep if I don't put Friends or Seinfeld on. Still, an advice.

06-11-05, 18:11
Im the same as you iBug. I can NOT sleep without, the tv on, my dairy open, rescue remedy by my pillow, and my lamp on with my door open so i can see the bathroom light and the landing all lit up. This is the only way i will feel safe at bedtime. During the day i am a very anxious person and at night its worse. So my dad has to take me out for a walk or a drive before i get in bed and do my little set up. Im so scared of sleeping before 2am and i get into routine very easily which is why when something changes like my brother going back to university, i freak out and i have to sleep at a later time! Which is really awkward as i have school the next day.

But has for advice D, i take valerian in some water, it really calms me down. (I had some on my finger last night and my cat sniffed it but when totally hyper and mental lol that was funny) But light read books. like comedy or romance i find good. although i am addicted to adult murder mysteries lol. But im not sure what other advice to give. sorry :(

but tc xxx Rachel xxx

06-11-05, 22:27
A mistake I'm guilty of is to be at the PC until quite late. I need to stop that earlier, and I do then find it easier to get off.

Another tip may be to change your daily routine a little, go for an extended walk and so on.

Anything to help clear the mind and make you a little more tired.

I had trouble sleeping for months, and I believe my psychotherapy has helped, although I still have bad patches as you'd expect.


And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

06-11-05, 22:56
Hi and welcome to the site, you will find many posts on sleeping or lack of it.
I am terrible at sleeping, sometimes 2 hours a night,
I hold down a full time demanding job too.
This used to worry me until my GP said the more you worry the worse you will feel, now I just try and stop adding up how many hours I do or dont sleep, probably not much help, but welcome anyway,

love from Alexisxxxx

07-11-05, 02:26
Hi D,

I too have trouble sleeping and usually need the tv on quietly in the background, much to the annoyance of my fiancee. I found that I was putting tapes of old grand prix's on cause it was something safe that I could listen to (if that makes sense)

Welcome to the site and glad its helped you out


"Life's a roller-coaster and I am not strapped in"