View Full Version : After suffering 2 and a half years with chest pain ive finally found out what it is !

sarah jayne
17-10-09, 09:00
The last 2 and a half years have been a nightmare. Ive been in constant pain and have suffered the most awful panic attacks because of it. Ive get pain in my chest, its like a burning pain in the centre and over the left side, sometimes i get random sharp pains that really freak me out. Ive been to a&e on a few occasions where theyve given me an ecg and its been fine, its never stopped me worrying though ! Ive been to the doctors on may occasions and they always fobbed me off saying it was referred pain from my neck ( ive got 3 slipped disks ) or that it was my anxiety, ive always known that neither was true and have convinced myself that theres something wrong with my heart, it made me always worried about dying, theres not a day goes by when i dont worry about it.
Anyway, over the last few months ive been suffering from really bad headaches, i went to the doctors lots of times, about twice a week and was always fobbed off. I felt i wasnt getting anywhere so i asked to be referred to a pain clinic to see a specialist. I saw him last week and ive finally found out whats causing my headaches and my chest pain. My headaches are caused by a nerve at the top of my neck and my chest pain is caused my a condition called costochondritis, ive got inflamation in my chest wall. Ive been put on some tablets called pregabalin, my headaches have almost gone but my chest pain is still here, im having injections in it in 2 weeks, im not looking forward to it but im looking forward to being finally pain free !
Sorry about the long post !
Sarah x

17-10-09, 10:45
Hi. I am so pleased for you, you must feel so relieved. Your nightmare is now coming to an end as you know the reason for your pain and can now get it sorted. Best wishes.

17-10-09, 15:24
:ohmy::hugs:what a relief!!!!! :hugs:just this alone might help ease the pain - we know tht if we get a 'proper' answer for our pain it does help.
It is the fear of what if?? that makes matters worse.

....so i asked to be referred to a pain clinic to see a specialist.

Good for you, that was very brave. you must be very proud ==== your doc listened to your request, and acted on it WOW!!:yesyes:
Well done
Best wishes

Cell block H fan
17-10-09, 16:31
How did they diagnose it Sarah Jane? What tests did they do? Bloomin lovely to finally have a diagnosis ey! x

17-10-09, 16:44
sarah jayne

i am so glad that you finally have some answers, and can now get the appropriate treatment, you are already halfway there.:), and good for you , standing your ground and asking to see a specialist :yesyes:.

keep us posted on your progress...

best wishes

P x