View Full Version : shoulder/jaw pain?

03-11-05, 11:28
hi here all

does anybody get a nagging shoulder pain/ache and jaw ache with these horrid panic atacks? i dont feel anxious or panicky not that i know of anyway -ive looked through some of the old posts but couldnt find anything to resemble what ive just started geting.

i imediately started thinking heart related even though ive had all the heart tests available (well nearly all) is it something i should worry about or is it side effects from my bp medication im on - im on atenolol 25mg daily i know my gp seems to think that there are no long term side efects but i never got any when i first started taking them over 5yrs ago but now im full of aches and pains and looking on the leaflet that you get with the meds some of the side effects are what im experiancing..

any ideas anybody would be greatefully recieved

sorry for the ramble

many thanks

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just finding it thats the hard part

03-11-05, 11:51
Just common symptoms of anxiety, although horrible nothing to worry about.

By far the best is Yoga, as it stretches all the muscles and relaxes your mind. I also find hynotherapy/meditation cd's are good, although this doesnt last very long.

I go to the gym and use weights, it kills me but its still good to exercise the muscles.

Just try and remember that the more you concentrate on it the more tension you are causing, tension doesn't stop us doing anything. Just another symptom that will fade as your mind/nervous system recovers.

btw with the meds, the side effects are usually in the early stages so its prob a lot to with tension.

Hope this helps,

take care


03-11-05, 12:15
I do get both Darren, although not at the same time.

Do you do any stretching at all??

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

03-11-05, 14:58
Hi Darren

You're not alone with this...the pain I get in my shoulder sometimes is unbearable but I know it comes from being anxious and tense without realising. It's especially bad when I've been driving in traffic. Exercise really is great for this or just try and relax in a hot bath with some nice music on.

Jem xxx

03-11-05, 15:57
Hi Darren,
I've had shoulder pain in the past too, it's all been muscular. Right now I have upper chest pain near my shoulder blade and shoulder but on the right hand side. Muscles can cause alot of problems. I have even been really relaxed this week and still have pain. Try not to worry (easy to say I know).


04-11-05, 15:02
hi all

thanks for your replies i really appreciate it.

hi piglet i do do some stretches but with my shoulder i can sometimes hardly move it it aches that much and sometine when i do move it it eases.

hi lisa yeah i agree muscles can cause a lot of problems i get terrible aches and ains in most of my muscles ie: legs - arms - sromach - chest but i know the chest pains are stress/anxiety related.

hope every1 is feeling ok

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just finding it thats the hard part

04-11-05, 16:47
Hi Darren,

yes, I had left shoulder, neck and jaw pain. A very tight feeling in that area. In a panic it was like a constriction. But it was there generally all the time.

I was also put on 25mg Atenolol. I read the side effects leaflet [Oops!] I actually got so worked up by the side effects that I got more pains!

Mark sums up anything else I would say, so I'll leave it there.

All the best,

05-11-05, 07:58
hi trev

i do that aswell i read the side effects leaflet that comes with the meds and my biggest downfall is i do google searches which i know is silly and not a good idea.

all the best


There is light at the end of the tunnel its just finding it thats the hard part

07-11-05, 13:29
Yes i have had left sholder pain for three months now its my left sholder it comes and goes mine is numb half the time but i have found what helps mine is a heating pad...Hope this helps your not alone with your pain!!!!

09-11-05, 20:43
Hi Darren,
I have jaw and shoulder pain as well, but mine is from clenching my teeth. I don't even realize I'm doing it most of the time. It is from anxiety. Do you clench your teeth or grind? Or even chewing gum? It is most likely stress related. Maybe you are clenching down and don't even know it!
I hope you feel better soon!:)