View Full Version : DVT worries, just started the pill!

17-10-09, 17:54
So basically, I've just started on the contraceptive pill yasmin. I started on this partly because of my bad acne and apparently this will clear it up and partly for the sexual reasons.

I am now really worried as my health anxiety has returned and I am constantly focusing on my leg and chest etc. I am convinced there is a pain in my leg and my chest but I have only taken three pills so far, is this unreasonable?

If I went to the hospital, would they even check?? Or would they see it as a waste of time.
Please help. I'm going out of my mind!!!!!! reading horror stories on the internet - bad idea!

17-10-09, 18:21
Hi hun,

I have been on the pill for almost ten years now (with a couple of breaks). Most recently was on one for my skin but recently had to swap as was getting break through bleeding (through running two packs together...my body obviously didn't like it!). The thing with the pill (and most meds) is that there are plus points and bad point...the pill raises chance of getting breast cancer, but decreased chance of getting ovarian cancer. While DVT is a risk with the pill, it's unlikely to be that after 3 days! My guess is, you're misinterpreting what your body does every day! I do it all the time but am training myself not to...and it's hard, i know! We all get aches and pains that we can't explain...my legs were aching like mad after walking into town this morning...realised it was because i was hungry (and had an energetic evening yesterday). If you think about all the things our bodies do in a day, it's not surprising!

Try and relax...am presuming from your profile name that you're 23 so you've got youth on your side. Are you a non-smoker? That's good if you're on the pill. If I get a weird body sensation and start freaking, I now tell myself to wait a week and if it hasn't settled go to see my GP. Does your GP know about your HA?

x :bighug1: