View Full Version : Troubling feelings that wake me up

17-10-09, 19:09
Hey everyone, I've been experiencing some weird feelings off and on lately in the mornings, and I wanted to see if anyone knows what I'm talking about. When I wake up sometimes, it feels like there is a strange feeling in my head kind of, although I also feel it throughout other parts of my body. I've never experienced it during the day - it's only associated with sleep.

It's not painful at all - just disturbing, and it actually wakes me up. It makes me feel like I'm about to shake or something (I usually start thinking I'm about to have a seizure, although I've never had a seizure, so that probably comes from a fear of having one). I guess you might call it like a surge of something through my body, but it will last if I just lay there. If I get up out of bed however, it goes away almost instantly. As far as the feeling in my head, the best way I know to describe it is like having vertigo, except without the sensation of anything spinning or dizziness. It's just a strange, bothersome sensation towards the back of my head.

I have noticed that if I go sleep on the couch, I don't experience it, and like I said it goes away if I just get up, so I wonder if it might have something to do with my position - maybe my neck or something, I don't know. But I also thought it might be related to anxiety. All I know for sure is that it is very disturbing, and it starts to worry me and make me think I have a brain tumor or something like that. And then I can't get back to sleep, not to mention it makes it harder to get to sleep the next night.

Anyway, any thoughts/reassurance would be welcome. Thanks!

18-10-09, 04:59
I have wierd feelings all over my body.

18-10-09, 08:41
Maybe it is your position your sleeping in, lack of blood flow to your head or something?
wish i could help with some more advice but maybe try changing the position your sleeping in..
Best of luck. x