View Full Version : MS fear

17-10-09, 22:16
Hi guys

New to NMP so here goes! About 8 months ago a i had a very stressful time with a now ex partner, I am only 22 years ols and have always been very laid back and generally didn't suffer with stress/anxiety. Out of the blue I started with strange symptoms such as waking in the night with pins and needles in my hands. To cut a very long and boring story short I went to the doctors and he said they were classic symptoms of anxiety but silly me had googled the symptoms and convinced myself I had MS!

I also went to see a neuro, had an MRI and visual evoked potential test all of which were clear and the neuro wasn't worried at all. This was great and I started to feel better but then 2 weeks ago it all started again.. waking with pins and needles, constipation, a sort of numb feeling in the right hand side of my body, constant blurred fuzzy vision in my right eye mainly, funny hearing sometimes if I have been listening to loud music (this never used to happen before), I also feel like I can't breathe sometimes when I am very tired... I get a tight feeling in my chest and the breathing seems all out of sync which makes me feel really 'not on this planet' also keep waking in the night with a whole body tremor???. Still scared about MS as I have read (on google once again!!) that MRI's can sometimes not detect early symptoms.

Anyone else had similar things???? The doctor seems to think all of my symptoms are a physical sign of anxiety, somatization, even though I don't feel too anxious??? Help!!


17-10-09, 22:18
Hi loads on here think it is MS but it isn't

You can search for their posts and have a read.

Have a read of the symptoms page on the left - it is all anxiety related I am sure.

17-10-09, 22:38
the symptoms page seems to suggest that these symptoms come and go... but my vision and the stuff on one side of my body seem to be always there! :s

17-10-09, 22:52
Check out this thread:winks:


17-10-09, 23:07
ooooh very useful!!! thank you

I try and tell myself that surely something would have shown up on the MRI but the doubts always creep in....

26-10-09, 18:45
Hi! Im new here too- I'm 21, and like you I also managed to convince myself I had ms.. it was about 2 years ago at christmas time and I started getting aches and pains all over my body as well as tingling, pins and needles in the feet and hands (not intense but always there) and went to the doctors crying because I had googled it and was convinced there was something seriously wrong. The doctor said she wouldn't have even considered ms but she checked my reflexes and spine and ran blood tests all of which came back fine- so she said I was just worrying too much. I knew I was a worrier but not bad enough to cause all the stuff that was going on in my body. Since then I've been to different docs and they've all said the same- but in the last few months my right outer thigh has been tingling a lot- it doesn't go numb but it feels like it's burning sometimes- I'm starting to worry again- But I don't have any of the other symptoms like aches and pains this time just the tingling. I'm just glad that I'm not the only one who worries about this!

09-11-09, 16:32
thanks - I thought I was getting better but it's all just started up again. the worst thing is my vision. my right eye is just constantly blurry and fuzzy, sometimes if I look into the distance it seems to be drizzling, but its not it's just my eyes!! Last night was terrible for pins and needles in my right hand... more or less constant! :(

agent orange
09-11-09, 17:26
I fear M.S too, I am currently struggling with really bad aches and pains, Dizziness, I.B.S with nauseau and stuff. The doctor says it is my Somatoform Disorder (health Anxiety) I have aches from my neck, arms,backs of legs etc and I have had them on and off for 3 years, I have bad anxiety, but not panic attacks. I am really fighting to accept it is only chronic anxiety as the doctor and Psychiatrist tells me.

09-11-09, 20:11
i have all of these symptoms and a few others and have been referred to a neurologist (still waiting to be seen).

10-11-09, 08:59
Soooooooooooo Many people on here have all these symptoms including me. We cant all have MS :)

Its anxiety hun 100% xx