View Full Version : Colonoscopy fear

18-10-09, 04:05
I am long time sufferer of HA. For at least a year I have had all kinds of problems with my colon. Mostly thin or flat stools with lots of bloating and gurgling sounds. I started taking daily fiber and frequently I have normal stools but I still have thin or flat stools on occassion. I went to the doctor and he freaked me out with stories about people in their 20's dying of colon cancer and signed me up for a colonoscopy. I am to have the procedure in a couple weeks and I am totaly freaking out. I recently had blood work and everything is fine. I am 38, thin and don't smoke. I have always assumed that I had IBS but now I am freaked out. Some reassurance would be great. Thanks

18-10-09, 06:17
There is absolutely nothing to worry about. I was awake for the whole procedure which in my case took 20 mins.
I found the whole thing very interesting. I have suffered with diverticular problems for many years (as do members of my family)

It really is nothing to be scared of.:)

18-10-09, 08:16
I have had one as well and actually fell asleep as I was so relaxed with the medication they give you. Nothing to worry about and it will be over before you know it. I am not a doctor, obviously, but I would have thought that because the improvement in your diet resulted in your stools going back to normal most of the time is a good thing - if it was something serious I doubt changing your diet would have improved it. As for the few times that you still get flat stools I would say that is completely normal - we all get all sorts of shapes and sizes and I occasionally get flat ones as well

18-10-09, 09:31
I had a colonoscopy 2 years ago and I was completely fine :) I was soooo scared and panicy beforehand...I actually cried hehe but the nurses were sooo nice and went through it with me and calmed me down :) and I woke up after the procedure and remembered nothing so dont know why I even worried lol!! I was the same as IJJ and just fell asleep I was that relaxed with the medication! Honestly there is nothing to worry about..you wont even remember it hehe :) xx

Sammy J
18-10-09, 22:52
I am actually having a colonoscopy this Friday (23rd) without sedation :wacko:.. probably very silly doing so but with my anxiety I'm scared of feeling 'out of it' and having a panic.
My problems are upper stomach spasms when I get trapped wind which in goes up into my chest and I have to guzzle Gaviscon. I also have constipation.I've had an Endoscopy and managed to do that without sedation.
Am dreading the prep day before and not eating for 24 hours more than the proceedure to be honest. I'm hoping breathing exercises get me through but have heard it can take over 30 minutes :ohmy:.


18-10-09, 22:59
The prep day is not nice at all.

I have not had a successful colonoscopy cos of my Crohn's and blockages in my bowel so I expect I will have another one at some point.

I asked for half sedation last time and it still hurt a lot but that is because of my Crohn's like I said.

At least it will reassure you anyway

19-10-09, 12:15

There is nothing to worry about, the procedure is very safe and it is painless if you ask for sedation. And this is my message to anyone out there getting a colonoscopy: ASK FOR SEDATION!!!! What I had was very mild so I was completely awake and felt things, it was just a bit like when you are mildly drunk. There was no pain. (Of course this is different if your bowels are inflamed or you have Chrons, then you must need some strong medication).

The prep day was indeed not nice, but it was just like when you have a stomach virus and you have watery diarrhoea, but without the pain and sickness that comes with a virus. It was not as bad as I expected, just drink LOTS of water and follow the instrctions you are given on the prep.

Good luck! You will be fine xxxx

19-10-09, 15:52
Same as everyone else - the proceedure itself was nothing - the sedation doesn't feel as if it works but you realise that afterwards you lose your memory of what happened - afterwards I was sure the proceedure had only taken about a minute becasue that was all I could remember but of course it actually took about 10 mins but I would have argued otherwise as I thought I was totally with it throughout!

The worst bit it the prep day - the proceedure is a doddle after that. As previiously said - drink loads and vaseline to the fore and you will spend most of the day sat on the loo wondering where its all coming from:D

19-10-09, 16:31
I've had one too without being sedated, it was uncomfortable but not painful....

Not a nice expeirence but it was ok, put my mind at rest when I was passing blood.

19-10-09, 22:02
countrygirl, i had the same experience! I was like wow, this was so much shorter than expected, then I read the report that they went right to the end of my unusually long and bendy colon :)

19-10-09, 23:00
I have also been having flat stools, waiting for my referral but I'm a little worried more now knowing that flat stools can be serious?

19-10-09, 23:09
ive had a colonoscopy it really is not bad at all- im not joking you go in then before you know it you are asleep and you wake up and they give you some tea. you dont feel anything because they highly sedate you.

19-10-09, 23:13
I am long time sufferer of HA. For at least a year I have had all kinds of problems with my colon. Mostly thin or flat stools with lots of bloating and gurgling sounds. I started taking daily fiber and frequently I have normal stools but I still have thin or flat stools on occassion. I went to the doctor and he freaked me out with stories about people in their 20's dying of colon cancer and signed me up for a colonoscopy. I am to have the procedure in a couple weeks and I am totaly freaking out. I recently had blood work and everything is fine. I am 38, thin and don't smoke. I have always assumed that I had IBS but now I am freaked out. Some reassurance would be great. Thanks

look up this website - http://www.drmcdougall.com/
i cant recommend it enough. cut your dairy out COMPLETELY and read the site - you wont need the procedure and you wont get cancer!

keep me informed, best wishes, samuel:shades:

PS if you look on amazon dr mcdougall has written a book specificaly on bowel problems. i have it and it is easy to read and excellent!

PPS watch the vids of star mcdougallers - same site

19-10-09, 23:47
look up this website - http://www.drmcdougall.com/
i cant recommend it enough. cut your dairy out COMPLETELY and read the site - you wont need the procedure and you wont get cancer!

keep me informed, best wishes, samuel:shades:

PS if you look on amazon dr mcdougall has written a book specificaly on bowel problems. i have it and it is easy to read and excellent!

PPS watch the vids of star mcdougallers - same site

I am sorry but those are pretty far fetched claims in my eyes.

It is also dangerous advice to tell people that all they need to do is cut dairy and read and a website and they won't need a recommended procedure. Are you a doctor?

20-10-09, 09:42
I am sorry but those are pretty far fetched claims in my eyes.

It is also dangerous advice to tell people that all they need to do is cut dairy and read and a website and they won't need a recommended procedure. Are you a doctor?

OK ... guess after re-reading the post it had been rather hastily written so I apologise sincerely. It was written in a spirit of sincerity ...

No I am not a doctor. dr Mcougall, whose website I recommended, is though.

I can sum up his approach but to actually 'follow' is advice you would need to read his 'free program' on his website for yourself. This is the key, to follow the advice, reading anything wont get you better, you have to act ... that much is obvious.

Dr McDougall recommends a diet that the human body thrives upon. It is teh diet that all large healthy populations in the world eat. (My wife is Chinese and I can tell you they certainly eat healthily and I have yet to meet one with bowel problems!) Basically you have a starch centrepiece, then some fruit and vegetables ... lastly you have your treats ... the proportional size relates to that order. Most carbohydrates, then lots of fruit and vegetables, then a little of the most luxurious foods. Its a little more than this, but that is the basic message summed up.

If this is followed, and things like coke, chocolate bars, ice cream, dairy etc. is given up, one's stools will come out 'non-formed' and yoru digestive system will thrive. Once again I recommend his book on the digestive system, and I do this sincerely as it has helped myself, and my friend, immesurably.

I understand that he insists that before any dietry change you go and discuss it with your doctor. I should have stated this ... its on the website ...

I guess your point was that there may be somethings actually wrong and that my advising not to see a doctor / getting a procedure could actually be a dangerous thing. in response to this, yes it could be an actual serious condition. Perhaps it would do no harm to tell the doctor that one is worried about the procedure and if one could try a dietry change first and see if taht alleviates the symptoms.

A word of caution from a non-doctor. There are good and bad doctors out there. I dont think this can be denied. Perhaps it would be good to be certain that you are dealing with a competent doctor before following his advice and having an invasive, and very stressful (if only beforehand) procedure.

Im writing this sincerely, and I dont wish to get banned from this lovely forum. If NMP has a problem with any of my posts, please PM me and guide me on what to write / what no to write. This site has given me hope, and I dont want to blow that ... best wishes once again, Samuel

20-10-09, 12:07
Healthy eating is important for your general health, but cutting out dairy etc will not prevent you from having cancer. The relationship between eating and cancer is complex and needs more research.

For example, some studies have seen that dairy products decrease the chances of getting certain cancers, while other studies have found that it increases other kinds of cancers.

Also it is dangerous to say that a certain lifestlye will completely prevent cancer and you "don't need the tests and you won't get cancer". Certain cancers are hereditary, certain cancers are down to the lifestyle, while the remaining cancers just happen by chance despite doing everything right and not having any relatives with cancer.

In terms of bowel cancer the following is scientifically proven:
- eating lots of fruit and vegetables reduces the risk
- eating lots of red or processed meat increases the risk
- regular exercise reduces the risk.

BUT no one says that these will completely prevent it.