View Full Version : My Swine Flu Main Worries, (can you relate?)

18-10-09, 15:26
Hello Everyone,

Just wanted to share with you how im feeling this second..

My neck is acheing around my glands, but they arent swelling.
i have a runny nose and this is scareing me. Anyways..

I keep saying to my fiancé ''what if what if what if''

''What if i do have mild swine flu and it kills me, & then it'll be too late'' :weep:
''What if i get really sick and it is swine flu and i wont get better''

Im just waiting to wake up oneday and hes gone for good! :huh:

I have a huge fear of dieing. If i hear or see something tragic my chest closes up and it wont relax till max of 2 hours later, i look stupid infront of my friends and family and i dont know what to do anymore i feel like i should just run away and live in a box or something. :shrug: I dont know maybe im being stupid. But im having a really BAD day today, when im alone with myself i let my mind run, which isnt the best idea.

Yours unsurely.
Ruby x

18-10-09, 15:57
I know how you feel its not nice. But i think talking about it and reading posts on sites live these really helps . It works for me . Your not alone.

18-10-09, 16:03
Thankyou :) x

19-10-09, 02:12
You are def. not alone. I have the same fear. I hate this whole swine flu thing. It is scary but you can't do a thing about it!!!

19-10-09, 14:25
Its so scary

22-10-09, 18:00
I had a mild cold over the weekend and my chest is still a little congested/irritated and I keep worrying that I'm coming down with Pneumonia from Swine Flu! Even though I never had a fever and have no other symptoms, other than shortness of breath which is from my anxiety about Swine Flu!

Ugh. It's going to be a long winter...

22-10-09, 19:19
I went through a similar thing when meningitus (sorry have prob spelt wrong) was going round I kept rolling a glass over my arm every 5 mins to see if I had a rash it drove my partner mad but I was utterly convinced I was going to get it.

29-10-09, 13:47
I feel the same.. I was reading about SF every single day but I tried to stop for my own sanity!

Im terrified my son will a) get it at all as hes only small, and b) give it me as he's bound to catch it from school. I also have a terrible time getting over stuff, infact I never feel over things - I constantly feel ill. Every single day. I also worried about some of my family members, I'm really scared actually as some of them have underlying health problems.

I had something about 10 days ago, maybe a bug, maybe something else (-this mysterious disease I know I have), but ever since Ive had heartburn, chest pains and a tickly cough, so Im worried Ive got a chest infection, pneumonia.. , Ive also lost over half a stone being ill over the last few months, so I feel I'm really really susceptible to the flu already.

Im scared about ending up in hospital and struggling to get over it, that scares me a lot.