View Full Version : asthma and propranolol

18-10-09, 16:43
ive just read on my medicine that if you have asthma you shouldent take propranolol, i am asthmatic and my doctor knows this but didnt mention this, it says it can be fatal, and i googled it and found out some people have died from taking this whilst being asthmatic, now im really panicking, ive noticed ive been more breathless than usual and a little wheezy. Should I just stop them, Im only taking 10mg but i dont want to risk it, i would rather have the panic attacks than die but im so frightened because i have been taking them for three days now. I will ring the doctor tomorrow because they r closed now but im going to be worried all night now, and ive rang nhs direct so many times in the past, they will think im taking the p*** if i keep ringing them.

Veronica H
18-10-09, 17:28
Don't worry too much. I have mild asthma at times and an inhaler. The Dr still prescribed this for me 30mg a day and I'm still here. I think you must ring the surgery tomorrow though, to check that the Dr has taken your particular asthma into account.
