View Full Version : lump in neck help

18-10-09, 17:11
just found a lump in my neck id say it was easily the size of a pea probably bigger moves around . not only that but iv had a raspy throat, a constant need to clear it and feeling like something is stuck there for the last couple of weeks. my friend at work has just been diagnosed with throat cancer a few days ago aswell. :weep:

18-10-09, 17:22
I have had one of those for years and apparently it is harmless.

18-10-09, 17:29
I'm sure it is completely harmless but if you are worried then please talk to your GP.


18-10-09, 21:37
I had a swollen lymph node in my neck 2 summers ago and was sure it was cancer. It turned out to be nothing. Yours is small and moveable so there's nothing to worry about. People can get swollen nodes for years that don't shrink down. Your body could have been fighting an infection awhile back or be fighting with one now which would explain your other symptoms. You'll be fine.

18-10-09, 21:57

My daughter gets them regularly it is just a swollen gland and it can appear even if she just has a wee cold, like myself my glands can swell up for just a headache!!!!

I am sure you are just fighting an infection, but as previous members have said if you are still worried please see your GP

Take Care

19-10-09, 12:04
Pea sized moveable lymph nodes are very common!! i can feel a few in my neck, my mum can, my boyfriend can and my sister, none of these noticed they existed until i became obsessed and started prodding their necks.

Some websites will tell you that its normal to feel pea sized moveable nodes others are more scary and are a waste of time, my doctor told me yes i can feel your glands they are not pathologically enlarged they are nothing!!

If you typed Lymph node in the search bar you will find lots of posts on this subject. Even a survey which confirmed i think that 80% of posters could feel theirs.

Go to you doctor he will be able to tell you straight away if its something to be concerned with :) take care xx

19-10-09, 17:41
ive had one in my neck for many years now i didnt believe it was nothing but it is a cyst cancer doesnt move so i was told by a dr please try not to worry to much