View Full Version : Sarah is going to work tonight!

18-10-09, 17:24
Yes, that may not sound very exciting, but considering I have not worked since September last year, I feel it is an achievement. I went in on Monday for some training and i am still pretty nervous, but i am going to do it. It's a 5 hour shift from 7pm-12am, so a little scary, but the people all seem nice, so I hope I will get through ok.

Please send good vibes my way, because I may need them. I will post how it went later...although not sure if anyone will be up then lol.

Sarah x

18-10-09, 17:27
Hi Sarah

Well done lass :yesyes:


Good luck

18-10-09, 17:29
Hi Sarah

I will be in the land of nod by midnight but will log in tomorrow morning to see how it went..lots of good vibes heading your way.


18-10-09, 17:31
Well done!!!!

Yard by yard life can be hard but inch by inch life is a sinch:D

Anna C
18-10-09, 18:15
Hi Sarah,

Sending you lots of good vibes and good luck.:yesyes:

Well done for going, and I hope you cope really well.

Anna x

18-10-09, 18:34
your be fine you see dont keep looking at the clock the times gos to slow
good luck

18-10-09, 18:35
Thanks all for the replies and hello Col, long time no speak, hope you're ok.

Sarah x

20-10-09, 00:50

Just to update, just back from my second night at work and I have had no anxiety or panic at all whilst there, I am totally amazed at myself! Hope everyone else is doing ok.

Sarah x

Deepest Blue
20-10-09, 02:56
Hi Sarah, well done to you that is a fantastic achievement....!