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18-10-09, 17:59
Hi all
)mods feel free to move this post if it is in the wrong section!)
I was told 12-18 months ago that I was probably perimenopausal by my doctor as I have very high hormone levels and i had symptoms hot flushes anxiousness etc.
I have had periods every month (somewhat heavy ones)
This month I hada period and have started another one this morning 13 days after my last one finished.
I also had an eye test yesterday and the optician asked me if I was going through any changes when I said yes and asked how she knew she said she could see it in my eyes!
My question is could I be coming to the end now what with the 2 periods and what the optician said and is it normal to have 2 periods close together?
I hope someone can advise me.

18-10-09, 18:55
Mine did the same exact thing when I first started perimenopause. I began to have 2 periods although they were very light. I am now down to a 1 day period, so all is normal with ya. When I asked my doctor about it he said it was very normal and that all of the sudden my periods would stop for good. This is the time when being a woman is awful. Cold, hot, mean, nice...good God this is annoying. Take care and try and relax during this 5 to 7 year journey...:roflmao:

18-10-09, 19:52
Well I so hope you are one of the lucky ones and your periods just fade away! I started peri 3 yrs ago with missed periods for months at a time and would think great its finished then I would get spotting for months on end!!! This has gone on for nearly 3 years now - had all the gyny tests twice over in that time and am now trying natural progesterone cream. I had hormone test and my oestragen is way out of ratio with my progesterone hence the wonky bleeding. I can now understand why women end up having hysterectomies at my age (48).
so don't count your chickens like I did 3 years ago when all this started but on other had you may be one of the lucky ones ( Jealous ? Me!) whose meno is trouble free.

Good luck

20-10-09, 16:05
I started going haywire about 5 years ago. Periods very close together and then months apart etc. Anything goes at this time I'm afraid and everyone is different so I think the answer would be who knows. This probably doesnt help you much but it is nothing to worry about. Perhaps go and have a chat with your doctor/nurse as I know our gp practice has a well woman clinic for just such thngs. Welcome to the club!

29-04-15, 01:12
I started getting constant lower stomach pain at the beginning of March before my period and this pain has not gone. I have had 4 different types of pain: dull, stabbing, deep grinding and neuralgic sore to touch pain. I have had no other symptoms other than occasional nausea. Now it is only stomach pain. Urinary tract and IBS medication has not worked, I have had an ultrasound and nothing remarkable was found and I was told the problem is that I am so healthy. The pain still lets me get on with my life but it is like having a constant period without the mess. It also makes the period itself more painful and difficult to control.

Last year, I had a number of unexplained hot flushes and sweats, the kind that make you stand up and take notice. I have also had very sore joints and crushing exhaustion after very little exertion. I initially blamed it on the chiropractor and masseuse who I visited for a bad back and shoulder because immediately afterwards I was crippled with pain from my neck down and had exhaustion which has never gone. My back pain became constant rather than intermittent. The tops of my legs can also be very painful and sore to touch as well as my hips. Is this joint pain and fatigue to do with the perimenopause?

I am 42 and I am wondering if I could be experiencing the perimenopause earlier than the average age. I am seeing a 6th doctor on Sunday for more tests and hopefully I can get a diagnosis and be finally free of my two months of anxiety.

Does anyone identify with these symptoms?

29-04-15, 10:56
With hindsight ( I am nearly 3 years post meno now) I first started with peri in my late 30;s when I got spotting between periods and the occasional hot flush on and off for a few years then had a couple of stable years then at age 46 the real peri meno hit and lasted 5 years.
It sent my health anxiety stratospheric with all the symptoms and mind effects and I was very glad to become post meno! I still have hot flushes and other "lady" symtoms but the worst peri symptoms went.

It could very well be the start of peri especially if yoru cycle is changing at all and it can come and go, come and go. Blood tests are almost useless as your homones will change daily so one day it may say you are peri and the next day not.

Do make sure your thyroid levels are checked once a year as any hormonal change can trigger thyroid problems.

I hope you are one of the lucky ones whose periods just fade away.