View Full Version : Upset and fraught with anxiety related headaches...

18-10-09, 19:24
Hi Guys,

I just needed to come on here and get how I am feeling out. I am sat here crying wondering when this few months of hell is going to end. After 8/9 weeks of trying to find a medication I could tolerate (SSRI's were causing extreme headaches) I am still finding getting through a day without Diazapam a chore... I have been on Dolsolupin for 17 days. 2 weeks on 75mg at night, 3 days at 25mg in morning and 75mg at night, and tomorrow I start 50mg in morning and 75mg at night, to be increased by wed to 75mg morn and eve. My problem started with panic attacks and yes, the meds have put a lid of the extreme attacks and now I am what I call tearful, I cry all day unless I take Diazapam. Now, the main cause for my crying is tension headaches, I basically feel as if somebody is pushing their fingers hard into my temples and also at the base of my skull. I had a CT scan a few weeks back as I tripped over and my wonderful OH just wanted to make sure I was ok, and it came back fine, so I know these are tension aches. They are not pain as such just pressure and I am sure you all know what I mean. Now when I take Diazapam (5mg) I get 2/3 hours of about 80% relief from the tightness so I am assuming that this is definately due to me being tense. As Dolsolupin is a tricyclic the doctor said it will also help with my headaches. I know I have only been on them 2 weeks ish but I am at my wits end. I just need to know that these will help me with the headaches in the end and how long REALISTICALLY I need to wait. Is there anything else I can do? I have tried everything - from herbal remedies to wierd massages to applying pepper cream to my temples. I just think 3 months with a CONSTANT headache is causing me to feel helpless. Just some words of encouragement would help, I don't wanna cry anymore....

L x x x