View Full Version : Bad days good days

18-10-09, 19:27
How many of you guys find the unpredictable nature of this illness the worst part of the whole picture?Take Friday,yesterday and today.On Friday I started another setback.....the usual 'what-iffing?' etc.,followed by the expected arrival of all the symptoms.Then yesterday I was expecting things to be awful and my anxiety was actually low!!And now today when I was stupidly thinking Friday was just a blip....here I am again with the full list of symptoms and a dread of the week ahead.There is just no sense to this illness at all,no wonder non-sufferers can't understand it....neither can I. :shrug:

Yours in fear and exasperation, Fishy

18-10-09, 19:48
I am with you there mate. I am sick of having good moments only to be destroyed by a bout of anxiety and fear (headache related). I just wish that I could have 1 good day, just one to remember what it felt like. Are you on meds? If so, is it early or have u been on them a while? x

18-10-09, 19:54
Okay so ..

Im alot like you hun, i cant remember a day where ive been perfect, nothing wrong .. but everyone else around me can feel fine for months. Im always ill as soon as something ends something else begins, your not alone. Its like a get something new everymonth. I am very puzzled about this..

Ruby x

19-10-09, 18:05
Hi Loulabella and Ruby,its so frustrating isn't it.And to prove my point further,today has been relatively ok?The day that was supposed to end all days was interrupted by the occasional 'flash' of anxiety but nothing much more.Yes Loula I'm on meds and have been for a very long time.My problems started way back in 1985 when I was 20.However its not been all bad,I had 7 good years on citalopram which finally started to conk out on me this time last year.My doc has changed me over to seroxat (about 3 weeks ago),which is holding back any depression very well but has not completely conquered the anxiety.I'm also on valium (10 to 12mg) and propranolol betablockers.Take each day as it comes guys and wishing you both more good days than bad.Take care now,

Fishy xx