View Full Version : Confused!!!!!!!!!

18-10-09, 20:59
I started taking Citalopram on Wednesday and it has affected me pretty badly. Shaking, Headache, Loss of balance and my whole body has been aching. My mood has constantly been up and down and i'm having trouble sleeping. I went to see an emergency doctor today who INSISTED i stop taking them??? I know they've affected me badly (i've never felt so ill) but i thought these were normal side affects??? Today i feel as if i have full blown flu :unsure: i just don't know what to do xxxxx

18-10-09, 21:27
I had really bad side effects with them as well stopped taking them after about 6 days , but still got the same side effects for a couple of days . They will go away .

18-10-09, 21:45
My GP tried to persuade me to stop taking them after 3 weeks of bad side effects. I was determined to stick it out, though, and she supported me.
Nearly 6 weeks on and I'm so glad I did - no anxiety, no depression.:)
The side effects CAN be severe, but it doesn't neccesarily follow that the tablest don't suit you.

18-10-09, 22:19
If theside effects are that bad then they do not suit you if you have anxiety you should take a tranquilizer for a short time. Citalopram is not the miracle cure it did not suit me. Doctors stick everyone on citalopram and do nothing else to help. See if you can get some low cost counselling

21-10-09, 01:36
Thanks for all your advice... i stopped taking them and i feel so much better for it. looking into counciling now and i'm going to try do this without drugs. I need to try for my boys sakes x