View Full Version : Having a horrible time

18-10-09, 21:13

I am just feeling so terrible, I have a weakness / sensitivity / numbness / tingling on my face, its had to describe, but it feels awful!!! I have it in my head that I am going to have a stroke, you see my cousin just suffered from a stroke but prior to this he had mini strokes and was unaware that it was happening.

I have also a pain in my leg, which is probably a strain although I demanded an emergency appointment with the doc as I thought it was DVT. I still have it a week and a half later.

I also get pulsing in my neck and headaches, I do have an appointment on wed for doc, thank goodness, but I just feel that they so not take things seriously and I do get on well with my doc, but instead of invertigating things they put it all down to anxiety and tension.

Do any other members feel like this or know of any one who does. This is all making me very sad!!!


18-10-09, 22:08
i know exactly how u feel, i started feeling tingling in my face and then it moves all down my left arm and leg. when i first got it i didnt think anything of it , but my head aches have got worse and its also effecting my eye sight makes me feel dizzy. my doctor told me straight away it is to do with my anxiety , but he didnt even check anything straight away he said it was my anxiety . i have a new appoinment with my doctor on wednesday i hope to be looked at more then just my anxiety.