View Full Version : feel like giving up

18-10-09, 21:24
latley things have gone from good to bad at the post of letter, finding things hard to deal with the smpelst task seems to overwhell me my anxiety is right up along with panic attackes just had enuff,

has anyone else felt like this and how did you manage to get thorw it ?

anything will help at this point

thank love georga xx

18-10-09, 21:31
i know how you feel . I was like that a couple of months ago after having a pretty traumatic medical event. I found doing CBTs on the moodgym site really helped . Hang in there it will get better.

18-10-09, 22:23
We can all feel like that I think my counsellor used to tell me to look after myself and wait until I felt stronger to get on with things. It makes sense .

19-10-09, 18:18
Hi Hopers,I think we all go through stages like this.However,it WILL get better....the panics usually burn themselves out.They can only get so bad before they subside.Have you looked into therapy and/or medication?Please take care and know that you are not alone.


19-10-09, 18:32
never, never, never give up - churchill, sums up life really hun, look forward to talking to you again on chat, ste

24-10-09, 18:52
well to update i ended up in hospital on sunday night for reasons i cant say on here i want to say thaks for all yr replies they have helped me dearly since being reliesd,

i cant say im feeling any better but am impresed with all the extra sopport im reciveing for the crises team, and my cpn, things have just been so hard for me to contenplate these last few days , feel like i have no energy and bless my daughter has been do good and she gave me a massive hug when i came home from the hospital wich did for a breif moment bring me joy as i do ove her so very much, just hope that my problems wont damage her ,

thanks again for the replies xxx

24-10-09, 19:05
I'm so glad you got the help you obviously needed hopers.Perhaps now you can start with a clean slate.Remember though,one day at a time and little steps.Please take very good care of yourself and know you are not alone.

Warmest wishes, Fishy xx