View Full Version : Update

03-11-05, 13:23
Hi all, Just a quick update.. I went back to the doctor's today, he's put me back on diazapam as i refused to take the citroprime as i didn't like the side effects. I told him i am not coping well and becoming a recluse so now he has refered me to the mental health team. (probably more what i need), Im hoping to get an appointment as soon as possible. Has anyone else seen the mental health people or just counsellors? But anyway, im trying to stay positive and want to thank Rick and Trev for their kind advice.

Best wishes


03-11-05, 13:32
Hi Michelle,

No I haven't had any experience but will be really interested to hear how you get on.

Love Piglet :)

03-11-05, 14:44
Hi Michelle

I recently went to my doctors and she's referred me to a Stress/Anxiety Management group which I start next Thursday. It runs every week for six weeks and is based on CBT. I'm really hoping it will help me as my doctor won't prescribe any tabs until I've tried this. I suppose she's right and I think you'll get more help going down this route rather than just medication.

Hope you get an appointment soon and take care:D

Jem xxx