View Full Version : to finally get an understanding ...

19-10-09, 01:53

I wrote an introduction before but it was so brief that i felt i needed to start again lol

I have been suffering with Panic attacks and Anxiety since December 2008.My Anxietys/Panic Attacks all started after i split up from my boyfriend of 3 years.
Having the panic attacks as well as other things put a major strain on our realationship, he couldnt handle my panic attacks and just like most he got scared and ran. Because of the split i moved back to my parents house where i suffered major depression. I didnt eat , sleep or even talk to anyone for nearly 3 weeks and finally was hospitalized and was fed by a tube. I called it my zombie faze!!!
After coming home from the hospital i was put on Citalalopram 20mg but had a bad reaction with them so was changed and put on ViePax XL 75mg (Venlafaxine) but was to scared to take them that was in April and I still havent taken them.

I have recently been diagnosed with Morbid Anxiety, Panic Attacks and Depression. I have also just started my therapy which i hope can help as i am not taken any form of medication right now.

Even though im living at home my parents dont understand how i feel. when i have a panic attack my mum just shouts and tells me to calm down, which as she dont know, doesnt help!!!!!
As much as i am grateful for the help and support they have both given me sometimes i feel i am such a strain and problem to them both so i have been having my panic attacks alone without anybody around to help, that way i dont feel so guilty.

Well thats me, i hope to find people out there who can maybe understand and help!! thankyou for your time x

19-10-09, 01:54
Hi iamsam188

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

19-10-09, 02:23
Welcome to NMP. I too am new, and believe me you're not alone. There is no need to feel guilty about something that is beyond your control. Good Luck

19-10-09, 23:17

Panic attacks are awful things and I suffer in silence on my own too. My husband does not support me though mine, and I am often told to sort myself out. I am sat here this evening with a tight chest, feeling cold and shaky and worry over what is wrong with me.

You are not alone and there are people like me who completely understand what you are going through. I am okay through most of the day as I keep my mind busy with housework and going to work, and then my kids. It is at night I feel worse. I find it hard to sleep and have to focus on my breathing, nice slow deep breaths.

You will get through this, but it takes time and patience. I have been like this for 24 years, and I am slowly learning to self manage. I am not on medication anymore, and I have stopped drinking alcohol completely as I have found that this adds more to my anxiety.

It may help you to keep a diary about your thoughts/feelings and set yourself mini goals to help you overcome any hurdles you face in life.

Look after yourself and please talk to people about how you feel.xxx

19-10-09, 23:51
hi santay100,

thankyou for your reply , it really meant alot to know i wasnt alone and neither are u!!!
i know how it feels when the person u love doesnt understand what ur going through , my ex didnt and he wants to make a go of things again now because he wants to help, to little to late!!!

I have a therapy session tomo so its the first step to recovery!!!
As i said before im so grateful for you writing back to me, because at home im the only who is going through this and no one else in my family has been through this either.

hope to hear from you soon