View Full Version : Things aren't always as they seem

19-10-09, 04:28
I had a bad dream the other night. I dreamt that when I looked out my bedroom window I could see a crow hanging upside down from a branch with beads around its neck. In my dream I thought to myself who could do such a terrible thing And in in front of my window?

I then dreamt that the crow turned its head and took off with the beads in its beak. I realised then that what I'd actually seen in my dream was a crow that had found some beads and was playing with them whilst perched upside down from the branch.

When I thought back about this dream, I could see a connection with anxiety. Anxiety is very devious because it will produce symptoms to make us think something "physical" is wrong with us. It loves to deceive us into thinking we're "ill" when we're not.

We end up going to the doctors to find a "magic pill" to cure our "illness" when in actual fact all our symptoms are being created by our anxiety- how we're thinking.

Even when we do realise it's anxiety at work, it still convinces us to go in search of the "magic pill" so just like the crow, it plays with our minds making us think something that isn't.

However, also like the crow, once we twig what it's actually doing, the crow flies away to try and fool someone else- "Fear takes flight".

So I guess you could say, if you have a crow that's trying to frighten you by deceiving you, build yourself a scarecrow in your mind and the crow will always fly away.

By the way, I have No idea why I dreamt that dream so if there are any dream readers out there, please let me know!:shrug:

Veronica H
24-10-09, 10:24
:yesyes:wise words Bill. I have had several disturbing dreams recently as I am recovering from the flu. It is hard not to be impressed by them especially as my nature is to analyse everything and they leave behind unwanted adrenalin too which doesn't help. Thanks for helping me put these dreams into perspective.


sarah jayne
24-10-09, 11:56
Very interesting ! Ive had some weird dreams lately, the worst one was the other night. I dreamt i was at someones funeral and saw an old school friend there, he said he had come to tell me that i should stop worrying about dying, there is nothing to worry about, i will be dying soon but it will be peaceful. The worrying thing for me was that my old schooll friend is dead, he hung himself 6 years ago ! I wasnt very good friends with him, i hadnt seen him since school and i dont think about him so im not sure why he appeared in my dream and said that, i just hope its not true. Anxiety can do weird things.....

25-10-09, 16:31
I had a weird dream the other night that I was in hospital because of my anxiety and David Bowie came to visit me!