View Full Version : I just want to cry!

19-10-09, 05:25
about 20 minutes ago my palm started feeling numb. Like from the right under the pinky down. I can feel it but when applied any pressure it gets weird pins and needles and feels swollen and it's scaring me so bad because it just won't go away!
Has anyone had anything like this before? :weep:
I had a CT scan of my brain a year ago, so I know it's not neurological but I'm worried it's something wrong with my spine!

26-11-09, 05:42
Im sure you are feeling better by now.. I can't believe no one answered this post.. But its just nerves.. and when I say that I mean nerves out of place.. you might have hurt it and didn't realize you did..I am always banging my hand and arms and forgetting later when they feel this way . Or sometimes just catching a ball or doing stupid things .. i will hurt my fingers and hand and feel numb for awhile. Hope you are feeling better.. no worries.. Michael

26-11-09, 07:32
im sure its your nerves but if its worrying you pop and see your doc to help put your mind at rest