View Full Version : Monday morning blues?

19-10-09, 09:39
After having quite a good weekend ive been really busy and not really thinking about my various symptoms, then this morning i have got up with butterflies in my tummy and a tingling foot, does anybody else feel a little better over the weekend when hubbies/wives are around and your busy then as soon as its back to Monday the same old worries arise? I hate feeling like this and have been on citalopram now for 5 weeks not really noticing any difference so now of course i think maybe i do have something medically wrong with me as the doc said the tablets should start working after a month. I really dont know where to turn anymore!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

19-10-09, 10:12
Heya hun im doing my best to stay off the internet but today is a bad day for me too, i have a buzzing right foot, burning tongue and these really weird spasms in my chest that feel like elastic twanging across my chest. Its weird as for the past 3 weeks i have been 'ok' and it all starts again :weep:

19-10-09, 10:19
I just get symptoms day in day out and some days are worse than others :(

19-10-09, 10:21
i know what you mean, as great as this site is i think it also can feed our anxiety as we are constantly reading about different symptoms and whilst we are adding fuel to our fire its never going to go out. But its like a drug its really addictive and when you feel anxious you dont know what else to do so you come on here for advice. I have also been getting the burning tongue and i really dont know what it is im trying to put it all down to my meds but im not sure???????????? my twitches are also quite bad again.

19-10-09, 11:16
Hey hi

anxiety sucks


19-10-09, 13:04
After just about getting anxiety down to normal levels (well, most of the time) I still get the "Monday" feeling.

I think the Monday feeling everyone gets, but when you are in an anxious state of mind, it just seems so much more distressing, especially after a good few days.

God knows, it's only a day, maybe we see it like another big hill to climb towards the top (weekend) and peace.

Wow that was heavy even for me.