View Full Version : Left sided headache

anx mum
19-10-09, 10:10
Really at the end of my tether still getting bad headaches esp on left side of head its been 3 months now. When i go 2 my gp just feel like she dosent listen tells me its muscular pain :weep:

19-10-09, 10:20
I get this but on the right hand side, it must all be connected. I'm going to see my GP today and hope I get some sort of decent response or I'll flip

19-10-09, 16:36
anx mumI have been told the whole muscular pain thing as well by the GP. I am sure she is right but its hard to believe. I do actually have loads of tension in my upperback and neck and I wonder if this is causing my headaches.a few months back I went for a massage, which does wonders, and I could actually feel the lady kneading out what felt like golf balls in my back.Massages do wonders for relieving stress and tension.by the way my head pain is always on the left and I have major left shoulder pain....maybe they are related

19-10-09, 18:38
hi anxmum if it throbs on one side it sounds like a migraine - the headache i am dealing with throbs on occasions.

anx mum
19-10-09, 21:59
surely migraine wouldnt b constant

19-10-09, 22:54
Hi folks...sorry to hear anx mum that your head is not getting better, Im also still in the same position as i still have weird heads and thats been weeks and weeks now, the doctor also thinks mine is muscular however Im like you I have worried myself sick that its something serious...I was speaking to a work mate today and she was agreeing with everything the doctor has told me, so Im feeling abit calmer tonight, and apparently muscular can take ages to get better....Dave - mines are also mainly on the right side, how did you get on at your doctor?? Mines are more the tingly feeling now, or dull pain????

Shaz x x

anx mum
20-10-09, 10:18
Hi sick of it hun mine is mainly on left side like a dull ache doc have given me some new tablets so hoping these will work my ha is really high dont know what to do just feel thats not alot of help out there sick of it

20-10-09, 19:44
I hope you feel better soon :-) x x

23-10-09, 21:22
wow, cant beleive this seems common. My headaches have been with me for 7 months plus and i can honestly say it has taken over my whole life. Its made me depressed, stressed. I get this uncomfortable throbbing pain one minute, shooting the next, tired, tight neck, dull pain etc etc etc. I have been to osteopath but now cant afford much more, now on some other medication which i have not taken as i worry about taking anyrthing else. I just want to know why I am getting these headaches

anx mum
23-10-09, 21:26
thanks for your reply did osteopath help what do they do? Tried accuputure what medication u on? God u sound like me

sarah jayne
24-10-09, 08:20
My headaches really bad today, im not taking any more of those pregabalins, they seemed to work at the start but i feel worse than i did now, theyve also made my stomach bad again. Hope your feeling better x