View Full Version : Reassurance needed please :(

19-10-09, 10:18
Hello :)

I need bringing back down to earth (again) and just need a little reassurance as my anxiety is sky high at the moment :(.

In May i found a 10p size hard lump on the back of my head, i was terrified and went to my doctor he felt it and said it was very large for a bump to come up like that and sent me for a ultrasound at the hospital.

I was constantly prodding this lump and it caused me sooo much pain!! but i never noticed any pain before i found it, by the time my appointment came at the hospital the lump had really decreased in size and the doctor who carried out the ultrasound couldnt really find it!! he eventually did and my results came back perfectly fine!!

I went to the doctor to discuss the results and he tried to find the lump and couldnt really and said to me that he thinks its bone and my results are fine so theres nothing to worry about! but i told him that i dont think it is bone and that i can feel it even though its really small now and it hurts.

He told me to stop touching it, he would bet money its nothing to worry about and sent me on my way.

I forgot about this for a long time, but as my anxiety is sky high i can still feel it but it hasnt got any bigger, the thing i have found is if i touch it, it will hurt me for around 4 days and then go away, but now i cant stop thinking about it.

I havent touched it for a few days but it hurts a little, and now i cant stop thinking about it :(

My ultrasound and the doctor said its nothing so why cant i just accept this :weep: i also dont know if its hurting more because im concentrating on it.

I just really need to write this down so i dont waste another few months of my life obsessing.

Thanks for reading :) xx

19-10-09, 10:47
Hi Meg

Like evrything the more we focus on it the bigger issue it seems
i think we cause most of our worries by constantly pressing and poking the area
One tip i had was to keep a diary of every time i prodded or examined the area during the day, it soon became clear the days i prodded the most were the days it hurt the most. the more i ler it alone the less it bothered me and after a while i totally forgot about it,

Best wishes

19-10-09, 11:13
Hi Meg

Hun, you have felt like this before and then it got better and you were okay again. This is how it works, peaks and troughs in anxiety. The head issue has been dealt with , you are not making a mistake to beleive your dr, you are not making a mistake if you recognise that this is purely anxiety causing you to fixate on your head bump again. That is all this is..... your mind is fixed on this . You have to try very hard to shift it back to normal thoughts when you are like this, its the only way forward and back to normal. Just think, you have done this before and you were wrong and your anxiety eventually faded and you felt good enough to carry on again....that is what is going to happen again here so you have two choices.... go the whole hog..panic and freak out ......ruin your day....sit in frear predicting the worst feeling sick blah blah


Carry on as though nothing has happened knowing that it is just anxiety and youve dealt with it before and it will fade quickly if you ignore it, its a leap of faith but feels sooooooo much better than the first option!!
Yes you have a bump on your head, but no its not anything of any concern!

I hope you choose the second option sweetie


19-10-09, 11:59
Thank you so much for the quick replys :)

lisa you a diamond!! wish you could take your own advice sometimes :) hope things are going better for you!!

You are right!! i need to just keep it off my mind, i have had a scan its fine!!! i have gotten over this fear i can do it again!! really wish it would stop hurting, but it will if i dont think about it!!

Thanks :) xx