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19-10-09, 10:51
Hi All - thats it, I am going to have a rant on here because firstly I cant take this crap anymore and secondly my other half will go nuts if he hears me talking about this AGAIN! I had a crap weekend of anxiety and today I am stressed out of my mind because I KNOW I am not going to die from any of my symptoms although it feels like it! I could get hit by a bus today and I HATE to think that my last days on this planet were fuelled by anxiety - and didnt laugh ONCE in those days.

There is no miracle cure to get over this god for saken health anxiety - I wish there was but its not going to happen. Nobody and no amount of pills are going to take the anguish and fear we face on a day-to-day basis away. We must face this fact - its depressing but how can we move on otherwise?? I hate that I have to face this independently - its an extrememly lonely place to be.

I just want other people to try what I have been doing. Everytime I get a new symptom I ask it to give me all its got! You have to mean it when you say it! If you have a chest pain (no matter how scared you feel) say in your head 'come on then - kill me!' - chances are, it wont! I am starting to understand that the symptoms I have are very real - as are everyones! They are there because we create them, through stress and thoughts.

This site is amazing - its helped me soo much in the short space of time I have been a member. Its so sad how many of us suffer and how little its understood by others.

I can not and will not let this beat me! My mum had a mental breakdown due to her anxiety (lasted 8 years) when she was my age. This will NOT be me. I will enjoy my life and not fear something that may never happen. Its mentally exhausting and just not worth it.

Apologies for the length of this - but i feel better now....

19-10-09, 10:54
Hi great advise

I know what you mean with the "come on then" attitude
I was getting chest pains for months had the tests that showed i was ok until one day i had had enough and thought OK of you are going to have a heart attack then do it now and i ran up and down the stairs until i was exhausted, of course nothing happened baut i no longer get the chest pains...

Best wishes

19-10-09, 11:22
Every now and again I must admit I really shout and say "Come on then give it your best shot" but then sometimes it does and all fails!

I just wish this really was beatable as sometimes I think right I'm not thinking about anything and then boom it just comes out of no where!

19-10-09, 11:31
But your here to tell the tale!

I know - at the moment I have a really sharp pain under my left breast which takes my breathe away. I could easily google or think about the worst disease I could have - but I am not. I am breathing out really hard because I know it hurts (not a saddist!) but by doing it i am facing my fear.

Still here.....ouch....still here.....ouch! :)

19-10-09, 11:38
Well done Face those fears AS THATS ALL THEY ARE

Please please please do not talk to Dr Google x

19-10-09, 11:58
I tend to try and keep away from Doc Google, he is bad news. It's just HARD to fight this when your body is fighting you.