View Full Version : So Fed Up Of Feeling Ill

19-10-09, 11:16
Arrrggghhhh, im so fed up of feeling ill, i feel so down, my chest aches and into my back, my heart races but like only 100 so nothing dangerous, im scared STIFF im going to DIE. Like im so so so so scared all i do all day long is think about my chest, how ill i feel. Im tryign to stop it ive taken a diazepam which has helped a little, i have Agorophobia and then im scared i would have to go to hospital :weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::w eep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::weep::wee p::weep: OMG this is making me so fed up.

Ive seen a doctor a few times, they listen to my heart say its fine and that im nto dieing but i cant stop thinking i am. My blood pressure goes up and down all the time to. im 27 and over weight and then i think im going to die because i weight 15 stone OMFG :scared15:
Anyone else do this? feel this way?

19-10-09, 11:25
Hi katy

Im a lot older and an ex smoker and overweight with high blood pressure, i had chest pains for months and had all the tests, i was scared to go anywhere in case i had a heart attack, they only stopped when i challenged them one day and raun up and down the stairs thinking just get on with it if you are going to have a heart attack as i was sick and tired of being scared,

Im sure at your age the risk is very low,

although hard just try not to worry about what MIGHT happen and more on how you are now

Best wishes x

19-10-09, 11:28
Every day I wonder if I'm going to black out or die just randomly. You're definitely not alone. I'm terrified I'm going to have a heart attack or just pass out and die.

It's horrible.

You're not alone :) x

19-10-09, 11:34
Thanks guys, i just feel so fed up of being scared, im sat here crying but ive had this so many times before and im still here, the rational side of me is telling me il be fine, its just a little ache nothing more, and the irrational side of me is saying OMG your gonna die, you have cancer or something stupid, flipping Health Anxietys SUCK bit time :(

19-10-09, 11:36
Hi Katy

Have you tried distracting yourself
Play some of the games on here or hobby or something?

19-10-09, 11:44
yeah im now playing my brother online at scrabble :) so that will help. I do scrapping but i cant sit long as it makes me ache even more.

19-10-09, 11:48
Keep fighting x

19-10-09, 11:51
I will try Thanks hun xx

19-10-09, 12:01
Ive been there where you are now all last wk totally consumed with whether my chest pain was serious or not. This makes u feel so depressed and low because it takes over your life and i, like u, was sick of feeling that way.
Yesterday i decided to not focus on any pain (easier said than done) and what would be would be, and i feel a little better today.

19-10-09, 12:06
http://www.quotesarcade.com/graphics/motivation/motivation_quotes_graphics_07.giflove maggie be strong

19-10-09, 12:13
The thing with me is even if I try and do something to take my mind off it a symptom will appear and put me right back where I started!

19-10-09, 12:19
yup its just happened to me :lac:

19-10-09, 12:20
See what I mean. That's the thing I have the most trouble grasping. If it's our minds making us have these symptoms when we take our minds off it why do they come back on their own?

19-10-09, 12:36
if only i knew lol, i guess its coz we feel a little odd, everyone gets pains (so my husband says) and ours get over dramatic in our thinking which then makes it worse, i may have pulled a muscle or something or sat funny as i do, and now im thinking the worst and the more i get stressed the more it hurts and the more i panic

19-10-09, 13:03
The strangest thing is when you're sure you've not done anything and then a random symptom like chest flutters appears for no reason at all. How can a thought bring that on! Deary me!

19-10-09, 13:22
I too get my strange and my awful chest pains, heart flutters and hard to breath from out of nowhere. It really scares me and i have had a really hard time lately.

19-10-09, 16:18
im waiting for the doctor to call me im so scared i cant stop crying i feel dreafdul, ive worked myself up in such a state :(