View Full Version : an opinion

19-10-09, 12:00
Hello everyone

I am not actually going to post about hiv today beleive it or not.

Was wondering if someone could give me there opinion on my symptoms and tell me if i need to go back to the dr or if i just have anxiety symptoms
they are:

occasional IBS
Lots of acid reflux
freuqent need to wee
frequent need to poo - and seems to be lots of it sorrrrryyyy!!
blood suger goes really low
more hungry sometimes, sometimes no appetite
never sleep deeply
feel agitated often
sweat and get really hot when just doing normal things around house
dry mouth
get these bouts of felling like getting the flu on and off but it goes away after i rest
occaisional headahces
more leg hair thats quite thick and dark
more spots
dry skin on feet
pale skin - can see veins all the time really blue
feel like have too many dreams
Little glands in both side of ny neck. Smaller than pea sized and can only fel them when prod about although i know exactly where they are.



19-10-09, 12:02
Hi Lisa

I have all of those other than the leg hair (probably wouldnt notice anyway)

19-10-09, 12:19
I've had nearly all of those. My bowels/stomach are awful and I'm sure I've got IBS aswell.

19-10-09, 12:37
I have had all those apart from leg hair, acid reflux and dandruff :)

I have also had many that are not on that list all anxiety related.

19-10-09, 15:28
I have all of them lovey PLUS the leg hair! I am swithering wether I have a hormonal imbalance but that can be sorted with a pill ;)

But the other ones love sound all anxiety though definitely unpleasant esepcially the IBS related ones :(

Here if you need to talk x

19-10-09, 16:15
I have had pretty much all of those at one point or another and I know that in my case all of them have been down to anxiety!

19-10-09, 16:19
Apart from the leg hair, dandruff and the neck glands (so far) I have had all of those and more.

I also have 'travelling pains' which is a big symptom of anxiety and most annoying.

19-10-09, 19:40
I 2 have all these symptoms, the 1 bothering me at the moment is the hotness and sweating, everyone around me is dressing up 4 the cold days and im still wearing t-shirts and flip flops!!!!

Debs x

19-10-09, 19:48
yes me too..ive got loads of the same symptoms...x

19-10-09, 21:15
Hi lisa i have alot of those to, i think even people without HA have them also but just dont notice, i think i have ibs quite bad at the moment but am putting it down to my meds xx