View Full Version : What bothers you the most? The breathing for me

19-10-09, 13:20
I was just curious as to what symptom/feeling bothers you the most and really triggers your anxiety?For me at the moment it is my breathing, its hard to explain but I go to the gym and am not out of breath and can do normal things etc and am fine. So I know its not anything to do with lung capacity etc. But I just feel like I cant get enough air sometimes, like I can never get satisfaction from a deep breath, sometimes my throat sticks and I gulp to try and get air.....Can this whole breathing one cause headaches or make you feel a bit "floaty" ......I suppose this is a sypmtom of anxiety??Anyone else troubled by breathing "problems"?

19-10-09, 13:32
Fluttering/Missed heartbearts, breathing difficulty and eye problems get me the most!

19-10-09, 14:42
Tight chest feelings, unable to swallow food, feeling dizzy which starts to make me feel very sick. I get headaches, pains everywhere, and i get hysteric about it all. Its not pretty. Your definatly not alone.


19-10-09, 15:06
Its never been breathing for me, its the sudden chill that comes over my body like its dropped 10 degrees in a matter of seconds and the dread feeling that comes with it. I may be alone in this but I find the 'impending doom' that preceeds the attack worse than when the attack hits.

Its like in the middle of the attack I have genuine feelings and symptoms I can address and combat but the build up to one is emotional and phychological that I cant address as it comes from nowhere, I can be watching tv and then for a few seconds go blank and bang here comes the anxiety.

19-10-09, 15:13
PanicMan, I imagine thats a surge of adrenaline running through your body. You are probably subconsciously worrying and scared and then it comes out and hits you.I hope this stops for you, wishing you the best

19-10-09, 22:05
Definitely the breathing for me. I have had shortness of breath (on and off) for more than a year, and yet I can run for an hour or go to the gym no problem.

20-10-09, 15:38
Hard to say. Everything that is out of the ordinary bothers me if it goes on for more than about 2 days. Been bothered about loads of different things in the past. Its whatever is the issue at the time. Currently toothache/jaw ache.

20-10-09, 15:45
My worries change all the time but currently dry mouth becuase i cant ignore that. Oh and a weird pain feeling in my left thumb aswell at the moment but maybe ina few weeks it will be one of my other symptoms

It really is ongoing


28-10-09, 02:07

For me it would be the missed beats/fluttering, the breathing, sharp out of the blue pains anywhere in my body but especially the upper body. These are the physical symps that bother me the most. Of course, over the years I have had many such as lightheadednes, a swooning feeling, lump in throat- pretty much the whole gamut.
As I am sure as with others, all I need is to get any of the above or something "new" and then my health anxiety and panic is off and running.
Ah, the buffet of panic/anxiety.

28-10-09, 02:52
Hi, Im the same as Panicman. Its a weak feeling that comes over my body. Horrible...Impending doom. Adelle

28-10-09, 18:49
I would have to say it's the breathing for me too. Sometimes I just feel really short of breath.......my mom and sister both passed from lung cancer and...yes I am still a smoker (its so hard when your nerves are always in a bind)...this scares me. I don't care for the everlasting shaky feeling throughout my body..yuk!

29-10-09, 10:32
Tight chest for me. Its so scary :(

29-10-09, 13:31
Where do I start..

The nausea is pretty bad. A daily thing, it makes me want to stay in.. Ive been nauseous for years with the anxiety, but recently Ive been quite sick in the space of about 2 months, so of course Im worrying about what I have, whats wrong with me, when the next episode will be... Needless to say its not helping my agoraphobia ONE BIT.

Lack of appetite. Im losing more weight that I can cope with, I hate it.. Worry about my weight loss, every meal a chore, nausea putting me off everything.. then I end up with no energy..

General aches and pains, esp my back.

Tummy pains that radiate to my back.. Hmmm, wonder what that could be, and believe me Ive looked everything up!

I feel like Im constantly coming down with something. A daily run down feeling. All this results in me having zero energy and wanting to rest all day everyday, literally counting down till bedtime.. great life!

Missed heart beats or a racing heart? This seems to happen every night at bed time. I can be laying there watching tv, feeling ok, then bam!
The last heart tests I had said my heart was racing.. but no one has said it should be followed up, so something else Im left to worry about and wonder!

The general impending doom feeling.

If I felt healthy I dont think Id panic half as much, Id also have the energy to cope a bit better.. as it is I feel like I could be sick at any second, I feel like I could drop down, and I always feel like Im catching the flu, my immune system must be shot after 5 yrs of anxiety and stress.