View Full Version : Sensation in my head

03-11-05, 16:19
I recently had a first panic attack and saw my GP. I am not on any medication and have learnt to recongnise its onset and to deal with it.

In the last few days I have had new symptoms which are giving me concern. It is a numb/tingling sensation inside my head. It's not on the outside of my face and it is not painful. It is as if my brain is full of something, creating a shaking sensation or a throbbing sensation or a floating sensation. It is very difficult to describe. Sometimes it's at the front causing me to blink incessantly sometimes it's above both my ears. It is accomapnied by slight feeling of sickness. Sometimes it comes with sweating and sometimes I get cold feet.

I find it disturbing as I don't feel anxious and yet it is there. I have been having a hard time lately which is what triggered the panic attack. Yet while the panic attack is somewhat controllable this seems beyond my control and so is very distressing.

It goes into the background very quickly if I'm doing something but quickly reappears. It is a sensation that I can almost will to be more intense by concentrating on it or be less intense by distracting myself. It has been with me almost non-stop for the last 4-5 days.

Can you help?

Many thanks!

03-11-05, 17:16

i am also suffering from strange sensations in my head, not like yours, but i do have a heavy head, and feel like it is full of something inside, full of noise and thoughts and it just makes my head feel strange all the time. its been going on for quite a while now.
but as you said if you are distracted it goes away, this is a good sign, because if it were something serious it wouldnt just go away, when you are not thinking about it. so the point is, youre concentrating on it so much that it seems as if though it is always there.. i know this is easy to say to stop concentrating on it, but its definately hard to do..if it wasnt i wouldnt be still dealing with my head sensations.


Sal x
04-11-05, 15:52

This i a really commen symptom of anxiety an PA's.
When I first started having PA's this was my worst symptom as I didn't know wht the hell it was. But as soon as I realised, it just went away on its own.

Try not to worry.....

Sal x:D

princess kay
31-03-09, 00:15
I recently had a first panic attack and saw my GP. I am not on any medication and have learnt to recongnise its onset and to deal with it.

In the last few days I have had new symptoms which are giving me concern. It is a numb/tingling sensation inside my head. It's not on the outside of my face and it is not painful. It is as if my brain is full of something, creating a shaking sensation or a throbbing sensation or a floating sensation. It is very difficult to describe. Sometimes it's at the front causing me to blink incessantly sometimes it's above both my ears. It is accomapnied by slight feeling of sickness. Sometimes it comes with sweating and sometimes I get cold feet.

I find it disturbing as I don't feel anxious and yet it is there. I have been having a hard time lately which is what triggered the panic attack. Yet while the panic attack is somewhat controllable this seems beyond my control and so is very distressing.

It goes into the background very quickly if I'm doing something but quickly reappears. It is a sensation that I can almost will to be more intense by concentrating on it or be less intense by distracting myself. It has been with me almost non-stop for the last 4-5 days.

Can you help?

Many thanks!

dont panik i have had the same feeling lots of times it is an anxiety symptom, its just nerve impulses sent backwards and forwards from your brain, this is common side effect to anxiety i wouldnt worry, also the more u give it credit the longer it will stay.. x

02-04-09, 22:09
Oh wow, this sounds just like my symptoms! I have been having these kind of mini explosions in my head for 4 weeks! Its like dizziness but in short bursts and is almost like a vibraton insidemy head! Sometimes by one ear or the other or my forehead. At first I was sure I was going to die, be sick or pass out. I was terrified and it got worse and worse. Had mri scan done which was normal. When I am distrafted or at night I don't hardly notice it. What on earth is it???