View Full Version : any one heard of Post menstural syndrome??

19-10-09, 14:41
Ok it 10 days since my cycle began and i'm feeling anx!!! I was really pleased with myself cos last week i went away for 4 nights and handled it well. I have been home since fri and all i have done is feel anx and tired.

My mum and sis have both come down with some sort of flu bug, not SF i hope, but i feel like i'm just sat waiting for it to come and get me.

I seem to think i felt similar bout the same time on my last cycle. Do any of you get anx and moody after your period?

Your help is much appreciated


19-10-09, 15:45
Ah my anxiety levels deffo go up at certain points of my cycle! But then its just the normal PMS but worse because of anxiety and chemicals etc!

19-10-09, 17:26
I get PNDD which is a more severe form of PMS, however, I do find that a few days after my period has ended, I get feelings of anxiety and generally really tired and a bit moody....then I get a good week before starting the whole thing over again. My medication has helped a lot with it all though.
Women are generally low in iron just after their period and this can cause mood changes, anxiety and tiredness.

19-10-09, 22:07
I was just getting ready to post something about this...for the past three months i have noticed that at the end of my period and a few days after i have been getting very moody and my anxiety is thru the roof, and i also experience my heart racing and feel like i am out of breath all the time with an upset stomach...its driving me crazy...can anyone tell me why this happens or if its normal? Not sure if i should get this checked out or not...

19-10-09, 23:49
no I get moody before and durning my period, sometimes I get moody up to 2 weeks before. After wards, maybe it's hormones...... I feel like I'm in heat lol

20-10-09, 07:47
Oh more joys of being a woman!!!
momof3boys sounds like we are normal. I work with 25 women and have quized them and they all say same before and sometimes after they all have some sort of physical or emotional change. when we suffer from anx anyway it feels like its all coming back again.